Vucic is in danger! –



03.09.2020. 12:31

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says that Milo Djukanovic’s allegations that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is to blame for his electoral defeat in Montenegro are pointing to Vucic’s forehead.

Ana Brnabić

Ana Brnabić, Photo: Printscreen

– It must be said clearly, because if something happens tomorrow that the people who did it do not pretend to be crazy, as some media pretended to be crazy when it happened in Serbia, unfortunately, to Zoran Djindjic, then the Prime Minister – he said. Brnabic on TV Pink.

Brnabic says that “Milo and Vucic” happened yesterday, “and now Vucic has overthrown that beautiful man.”

– Until yesterday, that beautiful man was the godfather of the Balkans, the godfather of the mafia. They spoke of that man, we did not speak either, neither the official Belgrade, nor the president of Serbia, nor the prime minister. Nobody said that, but those media for which Milo himself is the brightest example of democracy today – said Brnabić.

He stated that the irresponsibility of the media in Serbia is incredible, that the same media, the same newspapers and the same television that spoke of “Milo Vučić” until yesterday are talking today about how Vučić overthrew that wonderful man.

– Are they best friends and brothers or are they the worst enemies? At the same time, Vučić hasn’t said a single word in all that time – says Brnabić.

She believes that according to the results of the elections in Montenegro, the citizens of the region will not be held hostage by the politics of the 1990s and that she is extremely happy about that, and that they want to talk about the economy, roads, schools, hospitals, average. wages, unemployment rates, about the future of your children.

“That’s why they vote against those people,” Brnabić added.

He stated that the issue is the economy and that if Vučić is right because he is fighting for the standard of the citizens, then the voters of all other countries want their leaders to fight for the standard of the citizens.

– It is not the aggression of Greater Serbia, it is not Vučić, it is common sense. The fact that it cannot be explained to the citizens, why Vučić is to blame, is fine, but that is, especially when it comes to someone like Milo Đukanović, who draws a target on Vučić’s forehead, Brnabić said.
