Vučić expects US pressure not only on Kosovo, but also on the Republika Srpska


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that he expects the new US administration to have a different attitude towards Serbia and the Kosovo issue from what was presented in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

“It is our job to follow our policy and understand well that we will face even stronger pressures … I never hid that we will be in a difficult position,” he said.

“What bothers me is that many here are waiting for it, thinking that it is directed against me. And it is not, it is directed against all those who would take care of Serbia,” Vucic told reporters at the Palace of Serbia.

Speaking about demands that the new US President Joseph Biden persuade Serbia to recognize Kosovo’s independence, Vucic added that he expected pressure not only on Kosovo, but also on the Republika Srpska.

“But it’s been no different before. It’s going to be even harder now. Now what? We’re going to fight. We’re going to fight the truth. I’m not going to say a single bad word about Albright, Engel, or Server. Let them speak ill. me. “I’m not going to talk about them. Because it is my obligation to protect the country, “he said.

Vučić said that “the stories about the lack of democracy” in Serbia “are just a political means to exert various pressure on him.”

“And if I signed a document recognizing Kosovo, I would receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I would become the greatest democrat, not only in this part of Europe, but in the whole world,” he said.

He said that these pressures were actually directed against Serbia, because there are those who “want it to be weak and devastated”, like 10 or 12 years ago, when its only function was to apologize to everyone three times in two days. and that there is no factory ”.

“Serbia responds to many only when it is weak. We want to be partners with all our neighbors. But we cannot be weak just to make them happy. We do not want to allow a situation in which we should not talk about our victims, always respecting their And we cannot accept That they change our history and convince us that the Serbs were the occupiers of Montenegro in 1918, because they weren’t and they won’t convince us of that, and that the Serbs were the greatest villains of WWII and that Jasenovac existed, “he said. Vucic.
