Vučić: As long as he is president, there will be no recognition of Kosovo


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić declared that as long as he is president, there will be no recognition of Kosovo.

He said on TV Prva’s “Prva theme” program that “Belgrade will certainly not recognize Kosovo” until April 2022, when the presidential elections will be held in Serbia.

Reacting to Vučić’s assessment, political science professor and former ambassador to Berlin Ivo Visković said “no” should never be said in politics, but he assessed that recognition of Kosovo “certainly will not be for the foreseeable future” .

The co-chair of the Igman Initiative, Milan Antonijevic, also believes that “in the short future” there will be no recognition of Kosovo.

Vučić said that the United States would not change its position on Kosovo, whatever administration in power, while Visković noted that the Biden administration would push for a solution in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

“It is true that they are losing patience, but Serbia manages to resist and postpone things,” Vucic said on “Prva” TV.

He added that the US position on Kosovo will not change.

Viskovic noted that it is realistic to expect the new administration in Washington to push for a solution for Kosovo.

“We must speak out at every opportunity, even when they say or do something that is not in our favor,” he said.

“Serbia is militarily neutral, it will not join NATO”

He also said that Serbia will not join NATO as it is a neutral military country. “I think it is the best position, to protect our country, the sky and our people, and we will continue to behave like this,” Vucic said on a TV Prva program.

Ivo Viskovic said that he did not see Serbia in NATO in the near future, but estimated that in the future it would depend on what happens in the world.

Antonijevic stated that he does not see Serbia in NATO now, but that Serbia’s entry into that alliance is “something that may happen in the foreseeable future.”

“The people of Bosnia and Herzegovina decide for Dayton”

Vučić also assessed that the three constituent peoples and the two entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina are requesting the modification of the Dayton Agreement, in accordance with the provisions of that agreement and the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, not the Igman Initiative nor the President of Serbia .

On the television program “Prva theme” on TV Prva, Vučić said that there should be a consensus on a possible change to the Dayton Agreement and there should be no new vote, and he assessed that the ideas on creating a functional state of Bosnia and Herzegovina are “reduced powers of the Republika Srpska”.

“The fundamental objective is to deprive the Republika Srpska of its powers and competences, and not to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into a functional state,” Vucic assessed.

“I didn’t know that Atlagic told Bjelogrlic to leave the country.”

Speaking of the insults against the actors in the parliamentary debate, Vučić stated that he did not know that the deputy of the Serbian Progressive Party, Marko Atlagić, told the actor Dragan Bjelogrlić to leave Serbia.

“I didn’t know that. I think it’s terrible and it’s wrong, if he said that,” Vucic said.
