Vaccination has also started in nursing homes


Vaccination of nursing home users against coronavirus began at noon at the Belgrade Gerontology Center.

V. d. The director of that center, Dr. Srdjan Dimitrijevic, said that 105 users of that institution and 45 users of private homes for the elderly in Belgrade will be vaccinated.

“They are all over 65 and have not had a crown, and medical teams are determining their status before vaccination,” Dimitrijevic told reporters in front of the Belgrade Gerontology Center.

Vaccination has also begun in Novi Sad, at the Gerontology Center, where a contingent of 100 doses has arrived. According to the H1 reporter, first a doctor received the vaccine, then a nurse employed at that center, then an 82-year-old man who is a retired colonel. Immunization is done with prior consent.

The other 97 doses will be distributed to all the people housed in these four facilities in Novi Sad. The capacity of the Gerontology Center is a total of 928 places, for now there is no information on when new doses of the vaccine are expected, so that others can also receive them.

There are no coronavirus infections at the Liman facilities, neither among employees nor among users, and in the other three there are: 145 users and 62 employees are infected, reports the N1 reporter.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
