Vaccination begins, Prime Minister and Minister of Labor are breaking the ice!


RELIEF: Vaccination begins, Prime Minister and Minister of Labor are breaking the ice!

Photo: Tamara Trajković, Beta / Slobodan Miljević, Beta / Ministry of Labor, Shutterstock

Vaccination in Serbia starts today and, as President Aleksandar Vučić announced, nursing home users will be vaccinated first because they are the most threatened.

The vaccine will be received for the first time today, at 10 am, by Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, Minister of Labor and crisis staff member Darija Kisić Tepavčević and epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon.

– We will leave someone for another, to support each vaccine, which are all good. Vaccination in nursing homes begins first, because it is important to protect these people. When you look at all the numbers and percentages, there are younger people who have waited a long time, especially men, but the largest number is those over 80 who have died. They are the most threatened and that is why we must start with them – said Vučić during a tour of the village of Golubinci in Srem.

The first in the region

It is a “Pfizer-Bayontek” vaccine, the first 4,875 doses of which arrived in Serbia, and more will arrive in January, February and March, and if all goes well with the delivery, then a more massive vaccination could begin. – Maybe we will start vaccinating hundreds of thousands of people, maybe a million. If we can vaccinate a million people with the first dose by the end of January, that would be important. We cannot compete with the EU countries, which, when they buy, they buy 300 million vaccines. That is why we are part of the Kovaks program of the EU and made a donation for the production of vaccines of two million euros, and the first in the region for the Kovaks program – four million euros – said Vucic.

By the way, the vaccines were procured bilaterally, independently, and Serbia, as the president said, is probably the only country outside the EU in this part that managed to procure a certain amount of vaccines. – The vaccine is salvation, the vaccine saved humanity, if it did not exist, some other diseases would not be eradicated – said Vučić, adding that he did not care which one he would receive, although some experts with conflicting opinions claim that some are not good. – I’ll take the worst. I’m kidding, all vaccines are good that our Drug Agency approved – he emphasized. Yesterday, the president visited the village of Golubinci in Srem and spoke with the local tobacco growers who have a contract with the company “Japan Tobacco International” (JTI) and visited Dejan Matić’s farm.


Vučić said that each of those farms employs between 40 and 60 seasonal workers and that Japanese investors are increasingly coming to Serbia. – Where the Japanese are, there is seriousness and responsibility and our people behave in an extremely responsible manner – said Vučić.

Unexpected question and compliments How are your children, Vučić? I hear you all

During the tour of the farm where tobacco is produced, a woman addressed President Vučić quite directly. – How are your children, Vučić? asked the woman. The president laughed and replied: – I hear you all, Danilo, Milica and Vukan. Thank you very much, I see that you care about everything.

Aleksandar Vučić

About the President of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

We sent Dr. Stevanović to Dodik, the situation is not ideal

President Vučić says he is in regular contact with Milorad Dodik, President of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who is infected with the coronavirus and is in the Banja Luka hospital, and was visited by Goran Stevanović, director of the KCS Infectious Disease Clinic.

– We sent Dr. Stevanović to Banja Luka, for consultations with the doctors there. I wish Dodik good health. I am not a doctor, for professional analysis … He is holding up well, but the situation is not ideal, it is not as we would like, but it is not terrible either – said Vučić and added that, if necessary, Dodik will be transferred to Belgrade.

Milorad Dodik, Goran Stevanovic
photo: Beta / Miloš Miškov, Beta / Slobodan Miljević

On the opposition’s forecasts for the elections in Izgubić, its candidate changed six parties

Responding to a journalist’s question about how he sees Dragan Djilas’s message that Vucic will lose the elections in the second round, the president gave the answer in an ironic tone.

– The political dissidents are right because they have extraordinary candidates, one changed six political parties, and the other, if he fails in the Church, he will do little in secular life. So we are thinking about when to run. We will do our best to nominate someone who can oppose them. Much more important to me is what we leave behind, what you cannot win and what you cannot hide. They cannot demolish the factories, the roads, the hospitals that we have built, and that you have not seen in the photo, that I have been listening to six or seven electoral cycles, that they are going to beat me – said Vučić.

We will be safe

Decidedly in the fight against crime

Serbia is fighting crime very decisively, said President Vučić, answering journalists’ question about whether the state can fight crime, after the arrest of convicted criminal Darko Elez. – We will do the job very decisively. Serbia will be a safe country for all citizens and therefore we will guarantee the future of our children, said Vučić, adding that the fight against crime will be carried out on all fronts, from those who produce and sell tobacco illegally, even exposing the great criminal clans.

An original gift

Motor shaped bracket

President Vučić received as a gift from his acquaintance a stand for bottles with motor-shaped drinks with a glass bottle, and this was announced on his Instagram profile: – A wonderful gift from a good acquaintance of Subotica, Zoltan Tamas. All I have to do is replace a retro bottle of Coca-Cola with a good bottle of wine and I received the most original gift for the New Year.

Aleksandar Vučić
photo: Instagram Printscreen

Messenger / Silvia Slamnig

Photo: Tamara Trajković, Beta

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Author: delivery courier
