Vaccination and analysis of the epidemiological situation are on the agenda


BELGRADE – A new crisis staff session is scheduled for 1 pm tomorrow at the Palace of Serbia, Kurir learned. The epidemiological situation will be analyzed in tomorrow’s session.

The previous session was held on Tuesday and a decision was made that the current measures will remain in effect until further notice. As epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon told the press at the time, the main topic of Crisis Staff sessions now is vaccination, which, he announced, will be the focus of future meetings.

“We will meet in the future, mainly for vaccination and monitoring of possible problems in that area, in order to help if necessary,” Kon said on Tuesday, noting that the most important thing for Serbia is to carry out mass immunization. as soon as possible.

Kon said at the time that the epidemiological situation and measures were discussed in the session, and that vaccination, which will be the focus of future meetings, is now the main topic. The epidemiological situation, he points out, continues to be treated as unfavorable.


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