UZUZ: More than 13,000 signatures for a petition against the national stadium


More than 13,000 citizens signed a petition against the construction of the national stadium in Belgrade in ten days, announced the Association for the Protection of Constitutionality and Legality, which is one of the promoters of the initiative.

“The next step will be to submit a request for information of public relevance to present a study on the economic viability of the stadium whose construction is planned,” the statement added.

The association stated that the decision to build the stadium was publicly defended by President Aleksandar Vučić, who has no formal authority to make decisions on the matter and that on occasions, when a new government has not been formed, any decision on the matter it is a “typical usurpation of public authority.” .

“It is dangerous to replace the thesis that the stadium is actually built by a man, whatever its name is. It is a project financed from the budget, that is, money from the citizens of Serbia. It is money that the citizens have entrusted separately. of state institutions to attend schools. children had normal toilets, so that a sufficient number of doctors worked in health care and so that they did not have to wait aimlessly for medical examinations and interventions, so that they had roads and normal infrastructure, and citizens in remote areas had sewerage and water supply, “he added.

The organizers of the initiative believe that the 250 million euros, which was announced to be invested in the stadium, is money that can solve many problems in life.

“That is precisely why we want to avoid the senseless waste of our money by organizing people. We call on all citizens to continue signing the petition ‘NO to the stadium’,” he adds.
