Trump’s controversial pardons have stunned everyone, and here’s who’s REALLY BEHIND THEM


Jared Kushner, the son-in-law of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and a senior adviser to the White House, played a major role in organizing clemency requests sent to the president a month before he left office.

In the past five days, Trump has made 54 decisions on pardon or reversal of verdicts, including reversal of verdicts and prison sentences for many personal allies and close acquaintances.

Unsurprisingly, the president’s decrees drew much criticism, with many jurists calling the avalanche of pardons an abuse of position.

Informed sources did not describe in detail what role Kushner played in the pardons.

Jared kushner


Jared kushner

– Everybody emails Jared. “If you want something done, go to Jared,” an informed source told HuffPost. A source reportedly explained Kushner’s strategy of keeping records in an effort to control when Donald Trump will be pardoned. No rules. He will let you know how you are. Those who will be pardoned and make it to the top of the list are people who have representatives, employees or advisers who were loyal to the president, the source added.

Details of Kushner’s role in the pardons were released days after the president pardoned his father, Charles Kushner, who was convicted in 2005 of various crimes including tax evasion, illegal campaign financing and influencing witnesses. Kushner once hired a prostitute to seduce her sister’s husband in order to blackmail him, reported.

As the circle around him began to close, the elder Kushner finally admitted that he misled the tax administration out of the amount of $ 200,000 to $ 325,000 by filing 16 tax returns presenting political donations as “office expenses.” In addition, he admitted that he lied to the Federal Elections Commission when he reported that he received political contributions worth $ 385,000 from business partners.

Among those pardoned, in addition to Kushner’s father, are Trump’s former election campaign aide, George Papadopoulos, and lawyer Alex van der Zwan. Both served brief prison terms.

Trump also pardoned four security workers involved in the 2007 Iraq massacre, as well as two former congressmen, the BBC reports.

Papadopoulos admitted in 2017 that he lied to the FBI about the timing of meeting with alleged Russian mediators during the 2016 election campaign.

He is the first former Trump adviser to be arrested in an investigation into alleged Russian involvement, led by special adviser Robert Mahler.

Trump then pardoned former campaign manager Paul Manafort and former adviser Roger Stone, effectively “erasing” the most important court rulings in a lengthy investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 US elections.

Trump granted a total of pardons to 26 people and partially or completely abolished the sentences of three more people.
