Trifunovic says the boycott is pointless, Tadic asked Obradovic to end the strike.


For the president of the Free Citizens Movement, Sergej Trifunovic, boycotting the elections is no longer an option, while the Boris Tadic Social Democratic Party has not yet made a final decision on participation, but believes that uniting the opposition is the only way to win.

The former president of Serbia and president of the Social Democratic Party (SDS), Boris Tadic, affirms that “the political situation is so complex that it is natural that people do not have clear political messages.”

“When the government makes a big noise, then everything is unclear and the individual messages of the political participants are somewhat distorted. As far as I am concerned, my messages are clear, I am in favor of the unity of the opposition all time, “explained Tadic in Internal debate.

However, the opposition did not demonstrate that unity, and the president of the Free Citizens Movement (PSG), Sergej Trifunović, claims that they are united around who his opponent is.

“I hope that at least we are trying to create a healthy and normal society, that this is our goal for everyone, now everyone has their own way and everyone has their own way,” said Trifunovic, adding that the idea of ​​boycotting the elections failed. .

New Party President Zoran Zivkovic recently stated that the unity of the opposition can make sense if it is related to something that “has a gram of brain,” with which Tadic and Trifunovic agreed.

“That gram of brain is what I said to people from the beginning, ‘Let’s all get together on a list,'” Trifunovic explains.

Tadic, on the other hand, claims that there is not a gram of brain in the ideas of “certain opponents” to run only in those elections in which they can win.

“It is out of the question. The other thing that doesn’t have a gram of brain is ‘I’m only going to run for elections if you don’t see how weak I am individually.’, Tadić believes, adding that when you want to cross a huge wall,” you have to take a position that is at the bottom, then in the middle, and then you can beat the one who is the highest. “

“At one point, the boycott became a goal, not a means, and it was the parties that could not approve the census that stuck to that agenda,” added Trifunovic.

TADIC: my idea was that nobody enter parliament

Speaking of his recently proposed “boycott list” proposal, Tadic explains that his idea was to uphold the idea of ​​a boycott, but a boycott of illegitimate institutions like parliament, not just the elections.

“To overcome the current situation and continue with the idea of ​​a boycott and when the elections are over, let’s go in, win parliamentary seats and not enter parliament, leave seats empty. The idea of ​​empty seats in a symbolic visual sense is very important, the Images are important in politics, it lets the international community know that something is wrong in Serbia, “he said.

His idea differs from the “One in Five Million” Association’s idea because, as he says, they came up with the idea of ​​entering parliament and bringing the idea of ​​a boycott to parliament in a way that is not explained, and their proposal is no enter parliament.

“At that time, Tadic came up with that proposal, as a Solomonic solution. He has been against the idea of ​​a boycott from the beginning, he knows how useless it is. The international community, MEPs and ambassadors say what Same: People enter the system so that we can help him, we cannot help him if he is outside the system, “said Trifunovic.

However, Tadic believes that he will not find support for his proposal, but affirms that this is not the first time in his life that he has not received support.

“There is something worse that speaks of the state of the opposition: it has not even been taken seriously.”

Trifunovic: the decision to go to the polls was helped by the state of emergency

Although Boris Tadic’s party has not yet made a final decision on going to the polls, the Free Citizens Movement has done so, and Trifunovic first announced that decision to Dragan Djilas and Boris Tadic.

“I called that meeting to tell them, because mine called me to a meeting, and then they started to tell me how they felt after this pandemic and why they thought we should go to the elections,” said Trifunovic, adding that he had no counterarguments.

“Also, my stomach says that if I said to stay in the boycott, I would be lying to myself,” he added.

When asked by the journalist why not all the leaders of the Alliance for Serbia were invited to that meeting, Trifunovic said that “when he announces such things, he starts with a small number of people,” but he does not believe that he has worked “behind the Alliance”.

Tadic adds that everyone who is a “thinking man” has a dilemma as to whether a boycott is a good or a bad solution and that he is “on the border.”

“Unity is very important against a system like Vucic’s. It cannot be otherwise. When some are in favor of the boycott, others are against it and others think who is against the boycott: he is a traitor, in that At the moment there is no more brain in decision-making and we are entering a collapse as a society, we only contribute to Vučić, “said Tadić.

The state of emergency helped PSG make the decision to go to the polls.

“What they tried to do, suspend the parliament, what tells me only one thing, is that the parliament is not important to them. And that is the National Assembly and it is ours and we promised in that famous Agreement with the people that we will fight for all legitimate means. ” , and where will you be more legitimate than going to the polls, “says the president of PSG.

A hunger strike is the most passive form of protest.

Speaking about the hunger strike that the leader of Dveri, Boško Obradović, has been conducting in front of the Assembly for several days, Trifunović says he visited it, but he believes the strike is pointless.

Tadic believes that even the previous departure of the opposition representatives was pointless and shows no strength.

“The opposition accepts ideas and actions that show weakness, and that is a problem of inexperience or something else, we will see it in the future. I was not happy to take these steps before the hunger strike,” says Tadic.

He explains that the idea of ​​a hunger strike has always been present in politics, but that it is the highest level of protest of which “there is nothing but death.”

“The problem is to classify protests and inexperience in politics. We should not come out with the largest manifestations of non-acceptance of something in politics, especially not immediately,” he explains, adding that although Obradovic claims that the protest is radicalization , the hunger strike is the most passive form.

“There is a contradiction here and my suggestion is to think about it, and my request is to end the hunger strike,” says Tadic.

When asked by the journalist why Trifunovic applauded the incident that Obradovic faced the Assembly last week, Tadic said that “Trifunovic, as a man on the scene, knows that something has to be shown and that is normal.”

“I am a man of politics and I suggest that what is shown be considered very seriously before entering, not wasting the energy of the citizens, not entering new disappointments, because there are not many of us at the moment.” Tadic concludes.

Association on the premises

When he announced the decision to go to the next elections, the president of the Free Citizens Movement said he would go to the parliamentary elections on his own, and that coalitions are possible locally.

“If someone knows someone, someone on PSG, for example on Smederevski Palanka, has a childhood friend who is in Dveri, why don’t the two of them unite? There is no association with SNS, SPS, PUPS and all parties. , with Canak, Rasim “Cedom … and everyone in a coalition with the ruling party,” said Trifunovic.

When asked by the journalist why they are going to the parliamentary elections on their own, Trifunović says there is no mathematics there.

“I am new to this story, 90 percent of people on the move are people who have never been in politics and there is great animosity towards all the people who were former government officials. And let’s see where we are, let’s count,” he explains.

As he says, they do not have the infrastructure, nor the financial ones.

The SDS president claims he is still awaiting the unification of the Democratic Party.

“I don’t see unification happening, I am always waiting for that unification as a hungry year, I think it is much more important than the Alliance for Serbia, because it is the key to building the infrastructure to bring an element of professionalism to politics. Without that , there is no victory. ” Tadic said.
