TOOK ANOTHER WOMAN TO “REFRESH THE MARRIAGE” Almost killed her husband with a kitchen knife because of his rival, for which he was forbidden to approach


RP (51), from a village in the vicinity of Kladovo, was forbidden to go near the family home where he had lived with his single wife SG (55) for 11 years in an extramarital affair.

After suffering for a week that her husband brought another SD (40) woman into her home, having previously convinced her that it was good for their relationship, she tried to massacre her single husband with a kitchen knife after an argument with her rival.

– It all started some time ago when the host of the house confessed to his single wife of one year that he was watching SD. roof, because the health of his unmarried wife, a year younger, was damaged, and that a 40-year-old woman could help them both, says a source in the investigation.

Microphone to microphone, SG explained to the RP that the 40-year-old would take care of her in the housework, and would also help him feel like a man again, because due to the illness of his wife a year younger, their intimate relationships were altered .

– SG “explained” to RP that SD’s stay in the house, which they acquired together, “would refresh the marriage.” The man explained to his wife, a year his junior, that it was nothing terrible and that there were many of those relationships where younger women made their husbands fall in love again. And, after a long story – he managed to convince her – continues the interlocutor.

SD moved into SG and RP’s house. However, the disputes began almost immediately.

– The young woman took care of the house, but she also had intimate relationships with SG. After a week in such a community, two women fought fiercely and, to calm them down, SG invited them both to bed – adds the source.

However, during intimate relationships, the man paid more attention to SD, causing RP to get angry and attack the young woman, who, scared, ran out of bed.

– RP went after her, but SG stood in front of her, trying to defend SD from his enraged wife. However, RP kicked SG in the crotch, after which she grabbed a kitchen knife from the table and headed towards him with a drawn blade, the interlocutor added.

SG defended himself, after which SD called the police. Since they are not married, the man could not be charged with polygamy, but that is why he was reported to RP for domestic violence and barred from entry the following month.
