Tomorrow is tomorrow and ONE THING should not be done on this holiday


The name of Saint Thomas is often mentioned among people by the well-known saying “Unfaithful Thomas”, as the legend says, the saint received this nickname because he was the only apostle who considered it impossible for Jesus to rise again. When Christ appeared before him and offered to feel his wounds, he exclaimed: “My Lord and my God!”

Another legend is related to him, and she says that Santo Tomás also had problems with time. Thus, according to tradition, he was the only apostle who was late for the funeral of the Blessed Mother of God.

Saddened by this, he demanded that his tomb be opened to say goodbye to the saint. And when the tomb was opened, there was no body in it, because the Mother of God had risen. In this way, Thomas unconsciously became the messenger of God’s miracles on earth.

Our people believe that you should not travel anywhere in Tomindan, which is what the saying goes: “Santo Tomás, sit at home.”

Many families in Serbia celebrate Tomindan as a baptismal holiday. And it is also celebrated as union celebrations of carpenters, coopers, carters, carpenters, blacksmiths, butchers, wells, shoemakers and bricklayers.

Saint Thomas is the protector of carpenters because he was a carpenter, and it is believed that the devil once appeared to him in the form of a beautiful girl, who tempted him. The saint stared at her, struck the stone with his sword, and sharpened the ax. Because of that, he got so angry that he caused an unprecedented downpour from the clouds and drowned the devil with it. Carpenters, carpenters and bricklayers do nothing today because today is a great holiday for them.

It is believed that Saint Thomas was the only apostle who preached outside the borders of the then Roman Empire. He spread Christianity in Palestine, then Persia, and then parts of India. It is important to say that in the Syrian church Thomas is known as the brother of Jesus, who founded churches in the East, especially in Edessa.
