12.12.2020. 07:00
The information that “Roads of Serbia” held a public tender for the production of a logo for a company worth an incredible five million dinars resounded like a bomb on social media and domestic portals two days ago!
Zorana Mihajlović, Tomislav Momirović, Photo: Instagram
This was marked as a scandal of unprecedented proportions, and the finger was pointed at Tomislav Momirović, the new Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure. And that would be fine if this acquisition had not been ordered in 2019, when Minister Zorana Mihajlović was in charge of that department. The director of the public company “Roads of Serbia” was then, and now is, Zoran Drobnjak, but in the days before, no one marked him as guilty of such a careless waste of state money. The only target was Momirovic.
Our government sources say that it is very strange that the story about the scandalous public procurement “Roads of Serbia”, which occurred almost two years ago, appeared at this very moment.
– So it was placed on social networks and in some media as if it happened yesterday and that Momirović approved, and that has nothing to do with the truth. The question is why it was not talked about and why the public was not interested in real time, that is, when it happened, and why nobody asked Zoran Mihajlović about it. It really is an impression that someone prepared all of this for Momirović as a big deal that was supposed to cover up and discredit him at the beginning of his tenure. Now, the question is who did it and if it is someone from the Government who may have wanted his place or someone who cannot regret that position – asks our source.
When asked to comment on the fact that “Roads of Serbia” intended to give 42,000 euros for the production of the logo, Momirovic himself said:
– Articles in the media and rumors on social media are simply not true. Otherwise, the acquisition of the previous period was stopped. Among other things, for those things, I came to this place to be firm and determined and not to allow the involuntary spending of people’s money. With regard to some budgets in the past that were questionable, they have stopped and there will be no such things as long as I am a minister – he said. He added that as long as he is a minister, the money of the State will be spent very carefully, and it will also be in the companies that are under the jurisdiction of the department that he directs.
– That is why it is important that we have a solid structure both in the ministry and in the companies, and that there are responsible, credible and unquestionable people in their management – Momirović emphasized.
Mihajlovic stole
With a smile on her face and kind words, on November 2 Zorana Mihajlović handed over her former department, the Ministry of Construction, Traffic and Infrastructure, to Tomislav Momirović. He especially pointed out that he leaves his colleague “an organized, efficient and respected sector, both in the country and internationally.” However, as we wrote, Momirović, after arriving at work the next day, after that warm welcome, expected a cold shower! It turned out that Mihajlović took a large number of employees of that ministry with her, about which she did not inform her successor, but also that she transported almost all the best cars to the Ministry of Energy, so she was left with only crumbs. .