Today’s number is 1393, unfortunately 22 passed away


CROWN OF DISCOUNTS, LESS DAY AND INFECTED FROM DAY TO DAY: Today's number is 1,393, unfortunately 22 died

Photo: Shutterstock,

In the past 24 hours, 9,099 people in Serbia were tested for the corona virus, 1,393 of whom tested positive.

Unfortunately, another 22 people died in the last 24 hours.

disease cross section, coronavirus

There are 201 patients on ventilators in hospitals in Serbia.

We remind you that yesterday there were 1,751 new people infected, while sadly 21 people died.

Social protection institutions

The presence of the COVID-19 virus in 897 users and 479 employees was confirmed today in social protection institutions and homes for the accommodation of adults and the elderly, the Ministry of Labor announced.

The total number of cured users of social protection institutions is 4252, and the number of cured people who are employed in social protection institutions is 1773, it is written in the advertisement.

Cross section by cities

According to the latest data, the highest number of new infections was re-registered in Belgrade, where another 413 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed.

In other places, this number is in two digits, and this is the exact number of newly infected people in Serbia:

68 Nis

Kragujevac 61

Kraljevo 45

Kruševac 41

Sabac 36

Novi Sad 28

Priboj 23

Uzice 22

Novi Pazar and Pancevo after 21

Vranje and Smederevo after 20

Other settlements have fewer than 20 new infected.

This morning one million doses of the Chinese vaccine against the Sinofarm virus coronavirus arrived in Serbia.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon said today that the vaccine is a great stimulus, a salvation in this situation, a powerful weapon in a fight that has no end in sight.

– We will lift that herd immunity. In combination with the measures we are implementing, one must be optimistic. Of course, there are also negative sides of the epidemic, in connection with the appearance of a new strain of the virus, the second half of the year begins. These are major negative epidemiological events. However, in general, the situation is better than it was – said Kon.


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Author: delivery courier
