Tito’s grandson, who is a fugitive, was sentenced to eight months in prison


Edvard Broz was convicted in the first instance in absentia, because he has been a fugitive since 2008, allegedly living in Zagreb.

He was convicted of the crime of “serious act against the safety of public traffic,” according to what the Tanjug agency was told in the Belgrade High Court.

A session of the Court of Appeals on appeals against this first instance verdict is scheduled for Thursday, March 11.

After the accident, he fled to Croatia.

Edward Broz fled to Croatia immediately after the accident in Zemun, but was arrested 16 years later, on January 21, 2008, at the Batrovci border crossing, while trying to enter Serbia.

After three days, he was released to defend himself, but his passport was confiscated and he was ordered to report to the police for 15 days.

At the end of March 2008, Broz appeared at the start of the trial before the Belgrade High Court and presented his defense and remorse for the death of his friend, but escaped again.

More precisely, he did not appear at the hearings in May, June and September 2008, so the court issued an international arrest warrant against him in October of that year.

The case was adjourned at the Belgrade High Court, but the trial began in his absence early last year.
