Tiodorović: There is no reason for a state of emergency, but we are facing a difficult period


“We have no reason to impose a state of emergency, we are in an emergency situation. A state of emergency in terms of a curfew I think is out of the question, but we are facing a difficult period, November and December will be cold and wet. and it is to be expected that the number of infected will grow and we must warn of that, “said epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović.

As he explained, Belgrade has the most problems and the biggest jump, and among coronavirus patients, the dominant group is the young and the active workforce.

We do not have a large influx to hospitals, there are fewer first examinations, there are no serious conditions, but the transmission is occurring, for 10-15 these positive people who were at parties and celebrations can be transferred to the elderly and then we have a situation More serious. I can’t say that yet, they had a terrible blow in June and any increase will cause one more attention and one more degree of attention, ”explained Tiodorović.

When asked if the crisis staff have enough support, Tiodorovic said that Serbia has been good at fighting the epidemic so far, adding that he hopes we will continue to be good, noting that most people serve and adhere to. the decision of the crisis staff.

“If you see that people wear masks, if it is everywhere is another matter, then the state services should react. There is always a part of the population that has its own attitude and will always say that this is not the case. You have to get closer to the people, go by force of arguments, not by argument of force, ”he said.

“We have to think about people’s psychology and mentality, it is necessary when we make a decision, I don’t see the difference between the Crisis Staff and United Against Kovid and they say the same thing. Let’s do it. For me the target group is selfish and it behaves beyond all standards, those who go to parties organize those events, “said Tiodorović.

Tiodorović remembers that wearing masks can help a lot.

“There is no dilemma, when you are outdoors and you cannot reach the distance, be it a queue, a pedestrian crossing, a busy street, certainly a mask would help a lot. We say that the mask must be used,” he says.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus

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