This is how Dragan Markovic reacted when he saw the transgender singer


United Serbia leader Dragan Markovic Palma was invited to the “Scening” program, which was joined at one point by transgender singer Elektra Elit.

Elektra had some questions for Palma.

She asked him why he no longer organizes around the LGBT population and boasted that Ceca also commented on his song.

“Is this or this? How do you know that he underwent surgery, castration? If God wanted two men to have children, it would not be Adam and Eve, but Adam and Steve. Every year 35,000 more people die than are born, maybe that’s why children aren’t born in large numbers. I don’t care about homosexuals. Two lesbians came to talk to me, I hired one at the library. I divide people into street people and roommates. Street people they are the ones who walk and propagate that which the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church do not recognize. You do what you want on four walls. I don’t even watch Eurovision for that Horse. All Konchis win for me. Guest on Kurir television.


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