This, in addition to sports, was the great love of the famous rugby player Sreten Zec.


Sreten Zec, who was the initiator of rugby 13 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, that is, the Republika Srpska, graduated from the Faculty of Economics and left for the United States, only to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina two years later and enroll in the Faculty of Philosophy in Banja Luka, from which he graduated in 2008. “.

He fell in love with philosophy through the work of Friedrich Nietzsche, and completed his postgraduate studies in Belgrade, where he pursued doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and worked on his doctoral thesis.

According to “Buka”, he doubted that he would ever defend his doctoral thesis because it was “a specific approach to philosophy, which was unusual for his fellow professors, and due to his misunderstanding he lost interest in becoming a doctor of philosophy.”

“I entered philosophy out of sheer curiosity and desire to find answers to fundamental questions: who am I, what am I doing here, what is the purpose of everything, what is life, where is the beginning, where is the end. Based on years of research, I realized that in Western philosophy there is only an intellectual game, that is, questions, and that it does not give the possibility of answers, what does not work are special methods and ways to get to the essence of questions about life , death, consciousness and how to experience what is being talked about here. So get out of the intellectual game, “he told Buka magazine.

Then he turned to Eastern philosophy and the breathing exercises of the Tibetan priests.

“Actually, it is about the entire human apparatus, that is, the body, which is actually geometrically complex. If a person performs certain breathing exercises, it is reflected in other parts of the body. As he also played sports, he worked until then . only physical exercises, sit-ups, push-ups, etc., but when practicing ten minutes of breathing exercises, for which there are certain rules to function correctly, I felt great changes: the man works better, sweats less, sleeps less, but sleeps better and much more, “explained Zec, who founded the rugby club” White Rabbits “in Banja Luka.

Over time, he became familiar with meditation:

I started meditating in 2015. Until then, I thought it was total nonsense, in the vernacular, to “hit an empty straw”, sit back, play dumb, do nothing, and meditate … I got into all this through literature because meditation and yoga are exact and there are rules according to which this unity refers to the unity of man, his energy that he produces and the external energy that acts on him, and everything that surrounds us. “

Sreten Zec’s funeral will take place tomorrow November 16 (1:00 pm) in the old Jablanica cemetery.
