There is only one lesson taught in elementary school and one in high school about the Nazi Independent State of Croatia and all the crimes committed there, and since Jasenovac is only part of it all, students talk about it both times during a few minutes. The strange school program is accompanied by textbooks, so there is no more than half a page in any edition of “History for the Eighth Grade” on the largest massacre of Serbs in history. How much our history has interested us so far is also shown by the fact that from 1945 until today no PhD has been defended on the subject of the suffering of the Serbian people in the Independent State of Croatia!
On the other hand, Croatian students process Jasenovac’s distorted story in up to four pages and study three school hours in primary school, while “Homeland War” and “Storm” process in up to 20 pages in school textbooks. secondary school. .

Newspapers since September
Mladen Šarčević, former Minister of Education, says that the new teaching principle within the educational reform will start to apply from the next school year, which will give an appropriate space in the textbooks dedicated to suffering in the Independent State of Croatia, especially at the Jasenovac camp!
– To bring students closer to the events of World War II, we have formed the National Contents Unit and we are waiting for the approval of the new textbooks. Also, we are working hard on a plan for students to get a clearer picture of what happens to people, especially children, during wars. Personally, I am committed to bringing this issue closer to the students, because each of us has ancestors among the victims who were part of that horror in the camps, and it is very important to nurture their memory – says Šarčević.
He adds that for all this there will be more lessons in textbooks on this topic, in addition to additional content such as organized visits by students to the memorial center and a museum dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust, watching documentaries as part of teaching …
– In Germany, students have an obligation to visit the Auschwitz camp with the school, because that is their story. Why shouldn’t our students learn more about the suffering of their people? Also, Croatian students learn something from their “false” history. It is the right time for our students to dedicate themselves more to this topic, Šarčević adds.

At the end of the textbook
Milena Svetozarevic, a history teacher at “Nikola Tesla” elementary school in Vinca, says that Jasenovac camp is mentioned for the first time in a history textbook for eight, literally in a lesson.
– The camp is learned only at the end of the school year, when the students are already before the conclusion of the grades and when their attention is reduced. Personally, I think this should change, and that the time allotted to dedicate to this very important topic of our history is really too short – says Svetozarevic and adds that instead of generalized stories about the camps in World War II and dry information, Students must get closer to the harshest truth about national history, which cannot be spun during that hour:
– On my own initiative, I teach the students about Jasenovac in class and urge them to learn of the horrors that Serbs survived in this camp. I even admit that I am violating the plan and the program because I think this is a really important issue. Also, as homework, all my students had to watch the movie “Dara iz Jasenovac”, as well as many other documentaries, to see how its people suffered – says this young teacher.
Few visits from Serbia
According to data from the “Jasenovac” Public Institutions Memorial Area, 121 organized groups visited in 2019. Of these, 33 were from Croatia and 88 from neighboring countries, mostly 19 from Slovenia, 17 from Italy, 12 from the United States and only in fourth place: 10 from Serbia.
At that time, there were 17 school groups in Jasenovac from Croatia and 23 from other countries, most from Italy 12. Two years ago, Italian students also had the most group visits: 11, while four groups came from Slovenia.

Aleksandar Vulin: Serbian publishers for writing textbooks
Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin promised in the Serbian Assembly that Serbian publishers should write history textbooks, while they can fight for textbooks on other subjects on the market. Vulin stated that the history textbook “must be written by the state of Serbia”, because it will contain at least one page about Jasenovac, and that “we must not allow foreign publishers to explain to us what is Srebrenica and what is Jasenovac, because there will be some other Serbian thug who will say that the story ‘Dara iz Jasenovac’ is incitement to war. “
He told the deputies not to “allow Jasenovac and Jadovno to be forgotten”, spoke of “massacre and torture” and at the end spoke out loud about the victims.
– I cannot understand that the white handkerchiefs of the Srebrenica mothers deserve respect, and that the black handkerchiefs of the Serbian mothers do not deserve, I cannot understand that no European official has ever visited the Serbian graves – said Vulin, with a thunderous applause of the Deputies.
ZLATKO GRUSANOVIC: We train teachers
The director of the Institute for the Advancement of Education, Zlatko Grušanović, told Informer that teachers have been trained for three years and that there is a mandatory level of knowledge that all children must have about Jasenovac after finishing primary school, and It is up to the teacher to assess whether it takes one or five hours. – People must understand that it does not matter how many pages there are and how many classes are taught, but what knowledge the students will have at the end. We have clearly defined what knowledge each child should have about something after finishing school. We call it “result” and for three years we have been training teachers to free themselves and decide according to the class how many hours they need for a lesson. The same goes for the crimes in the Independent State of Croatia and Jasenovac – noted Grušanović.

INTERESTED! Minister Ruzic, the fault is yours
The scandalously small number of classes and space in textbooks reserved for crimes in the Independent State of Croatia and Jasenovac is something that did not surprise us so much because it has dragged on for decades, but the position of the current Ministry of Education on this issue certainly it is. From this governmental institution, they responded that this is not a topic for them, but (for some reason that only they know) for the Textbook Institute (!?!), While the Minister did not answer a word.
MIODRAG LINTA, Association of Serbs in the region: students learn more about Bulgarians
The president of the Association of Serbs in the region, Miodrag Linta, pointed out for our work that it is a shame how little our children learn about Jasenovac and that it is necessary to implement the reform as soon as possible and for this lesson in the textbooks. have at least ten pages.
– It is a sad fact that students in schools learn almost nothing about the genocide of Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia and about the largest place of execution and “factory of death” in Jasenovac. Much more time and space is devoted to lessons on Bulgaria, Montenegro or Pearl Harbor. This is mainly a consequence of that false reconciliation that was worked out during the communist era from 1945 onwards. However, it is worrying that the era of communism is long over and that we as a nation are not yet ready to acknowledge that genocide. I hope the movie “Dara from Jasenovac” is a turning point. We have to systematically change several important things, and the first is to establish a memorial center for Serbian victims in the Independent State of Croatia, following the example of how Israel did. At the same time, we must radically change the curricula, so that there are many more pages and classes in the books on crimes in the Independent State of Croatia, which include Jasenovac and all other execution sites, and that the students of the seventh and eighth grade should visit the memorial center with their teachers.- Linta emphasized.

What students will need to know
* Explain the meaning of the terms genocide and the Holocaust * Research memorials in the local environment and participate in the organization and conduct of joint school activities related to the development of the culture of memory * Explain the meaning of nurturing memories of important events and personalities of modern history; * Show a responsible attitude towards the cultural and historical heritage of their own peoples and of others; * Identify the basic characteristics of totalitarian ideologies and state their consequences in the historical and contemporary context; * Recognize, on the basis of examples from modern history, the importance of respect for human rights; * Identify the causes, elements and consequences of historical conflicts and wars and discuss possible forms of conflict prevention; * Perceive the reflection of historical events and phenomena in literary and artistic works …
(Kurir.rs/Informer, A. Crnomaković – MM Duduković)

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