
Photo: Nova TV / Provjereno / Dnevnik.hr
Marko Dujmović from Dvor na Uni has been trying for 12 years to find out who was found in his father’s grave.
That is, from the grave where his father was supposedly buried, the exhumed body is the body of a large man weighing 120 to 130 kilograms, wrapped in a tent wing, with thick woolen socks on his feet. His father, a thin man of about fifty kilograms, was buried in a coffin with leather shoes, and there are even photos. Marko claims that his father did not disappear but was taken to the cemetery and buried.
– I don’t want this for anyone, I just want justice. They deceived me by not knowing where I buried my father, where my mother was, that places had changed. My father did not disappear. He died in the house of Jova Zastavniković, where I was, and was taken to the cemetery and buried – says the angry Marko Dujmović.
The whole case was discovered during the funeral of Marko’s mother, who died in 2008. Then, while they were digging the grave, they found a coffin at 90 centimeters, and according to Marko, they had to dig almost five feet.
The cemetery workers were confused, because they found a chest in a place that seemed empty.
– We come across a chest in the military wing of the store. We even suspected there were two bodies. It was so inflated – says Goran, Marko’s cousin, adding that they decided to call the police and ask for an exhumation.
A year later, they started at the Dvor Orthodox Cemetery, so at the same time, it was the turn of Marko’s parents’ grave.
– When he opened it, he said like this: ‘Ugh, this was a great, great man. 190, 200 cm in height, 120,130 kilograms in weight. Well, God, my head and my bones are twice the size of my father’s. A white shirt with lots of buttons, some like a tracksuit underneath, some greyish and with ribbons on the legs, they are colorful. Here in Bosnia we call it priglavci. My father had shoes, Marko was surprised.
As the body found did not resemble his father, Marko refused to sign the results of the DNA analysis, however, the institutions insist that it was his father. Based on the appearance of the remains, the clothing, and the position of the burial, Marko cannot accept that.
(Kurir.rs/ TV Nova, Dnevnik.hr)

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