Lazar (18) was buried in the cemetery near Vranje, only the closest at the farewell.


Lazar Ljubisavljevic (18), a missing young man whose lifeless body was found on Friday morning in Belo Polje near Surdulica, was buried in the family’s inner circle on Sunday at the Barelic village cemetery near Vranje.

He disappeared on March 17, since police, as well as family and friends have been searching for him throughout southern Serbia. The search commercially ended when the body of an eighteen-year-old boy was found in a bush, not far from the “Svetozar Markovic” high school.

The investigation found no traces to indicate a violent death. The Vranje superior prosecutor’s office demanded that an autopsy be carried out, which should show the cause of Lazar’s death.

However, several boxes of drugs were found at the scene, indicating that the possible cause of death was suicide.


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Author: delivery courier
