
Photo: Dragan Marinkovic, Facebook
Miloš Ilić (20), suspected of killing his father Predrag, stepmother Danijela, sister Ana (18) and half-sister Sara (13) with an ax in a rented house in Leskovac yesterday, were treated as psychiatric patients.
That is, according to the relatives of this family, Miloš’s mother also has mental problems, and her brother (15) was cared for in a social care institution due to the same problems.
According to the testimony of Predrag’s relatives, this family, which originates from the boyish town of Granica, has always been accompanied by misery and disgrace.
– Predrag gave birth to three children with his first wife, but he broke up with her because he could not fight his illness. She struggled with the children, did not have a permanent job, changed apartments because she could not afford them. She started living with Daniel in 2007, got Sarah with her. However, with the birth of that child, her problems became even greater, because Daniela’s relationship with the shepherds worsened. Trying to keep in touch with her, Predrag narrowed his eyes at his behavior towards Miloš and Ana, who was really a stepmother, says a relative of the injured family.
People benefited from welfare, but as this man testified, Predrag tried to supplement his income with odd jobs.
– He worked at a hotel in Belgrade, whose reconstruction is in progress, and I was also engaged there, so we saw each other every day. The last time we saw each other was Saturday, we were together until five in the afternoon. There was nothing to indicate that anything unusual happened in his home, he did not complain about his son or wife. The day before I was with them, he called me to cut my hair because he bought a clipper to avoid paying the hairdresser. Daniela was rude, scolded him for not earning enough and said he was only working for her. I know that he left three of his children, one of whom is disabled and came to Predrag, commented on the family situation of Ilić, a relative of those killed.

Predrag would soon become a grandfather because, as his cousin says, his daughter Ana was expecting a son.
– As far as I know, she became pregnant with a young man when she found herself in Smederevska Palanka, where her stepmother was born. They went there with Danijela’s mother, where Ana met the father of her son. I think she should have given birth in a month and a half, as Predrag told me. All of this increased tensions in his home, and Milos was a time bomb. It was a matter of when it would break because the unstable family situation made her illness worse, this man explains.
The Leskovac Police Administration announced that the young suspect is charged with aggravated murder, for which he is threatened with a 40-year prison sentence. However, if the psychiatric experience confirms that he committed the crime in a crazy state, Miloš will not be tried, but will be sentenced to mandatory custody and treatment in a psychiatric institution, which can last a lifetime.

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Author: Delivery courier