These are the current figures by city


SERBIA – In anticipation of today’s official cutoff of crisis personnel at 3pm, the following data is being recorded in Serbian cities …

Six hospitalized in Novi Pazar

According to the data presented to the Head of Emergency Situations by the Kovid Novi Pazar Regional Center, the Health Center and the Public Health Service, six patients were hospitalized (Kovid – red zone), and the number of new admissions is three . There were no shocks, no patients with respirators. The total number of examinations in the Kovid outpatient clinic of the Novi Pazar Health Center is 42.

Vranje: Four more positives

According to the Vranje Institute of Public Health, of the 42 samples sent for testing on Friday, four tested positive for coronavirus, two from Vranje and two from Bujanovac. 27 patients were hospitalized at the Kovid hospital of the Vranje Health Center, of which 14 tested positive for coronavirus. There are 19 patients with bronchopneumonia and 10 with oxygen. There are no children among those hospitalized and the current number of free beds is 153.

4 patients were discharged from the hospital, but one was transferred to the Nis Clinical Center. On Friday, 99 examinations were performed at the ATD Kovid clinic, and the total number of first examinations was 49. Blood samples were taken from 56 patients and 45 x-rays of the lungs were taken. 52 rapid tests and 20 PCR tests were performed and bronchopneumonia was diagnosed in 12 patients. TS

photo: TS

Kosovo and Metohija: in Serbian communities, 11 new patients and 6 cured

In municipalities with a Serbian majority population in Kosovo and Metohija, according to the latest cross-section, 11 new cases of kovid-19 were registered according to the analysis of 51 samples, announced the crisis staff in North Mitrovica. Those newly infected with coronavirus are from North Mitrovica (5), Zvecan (1), Gjilan (2) and Kosovska Kamenica (3). It is specified that six patients were cured in the last 24 hours, so the total number of cured patients has increased to 957 since the start of the epidemic.

Currently, there are 60 active cases of infection in the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija, four patients were hospitalized at the KBC in North Mitrovica, while 56 people are in self-isolation. So far, a total of 1,055 people who have tested positive for the new corona virus have been registered in the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija, and a total of 5,537 people have been tested.


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