There should be no relaxation, without respecting the measurements, good indicators can change quickly



Another death in the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija

In the Serbian communities of Kosovo and Metohija, another person died of kovida 19, that is, 37 from the outbreak of the epidemic in mid-March, when testing of samples suspected of coronavirus infection began.

The deceased is from the municipality of Peja, announced the crisis staff in Kosovska Mitrovica.

According to the latest data, two more people are infected in Serbian areas: Zvečan and Lipljan. Twelve people were cured of kovida 19.

Another 83 people are receiving treatment. There are 25 patients in the hospital and 58 in home isolation.

Since the March 12 outbreak, a total of 4,865 people have been tested, including 971 with symptoms of coronavirus.


The number of examinations and hospitalizations in Vranje is decreasing

The number of hospitalized at kovid hospitals and examinations at kovid clinics in Vranje continues to decline.

There are a total of 25 patients, of which 8 are positive, according to the city headquarters. Three patients were referred for home treatment.

In the ATD kovid ambulance 71 examinations were carried out, of which 17 were the first examinations, 11 less than yesterday.

Blood samples were taken from 40 patients and 37 lung X-rays were taken. In addition, 29 rapid tests and 19 PCs were performed.


In Subotica, 12 patients are in the hospital

Subotica General Hospital Director Slobodan Pushkar told RTS that in the previous 24 hours, fewer than 10 patients were examined in the Kovid ambulance in that city.

The hospital currently has 12 covid-positive patients and all are in stable health.

Pushkar said that the epidemiological situation has improved thanks to the measures, the citizens who respect them and the efforts of the health system.

As you said, there are no new patients among healthcare workers.


The number of newly infected people in Kragujevac has been in the single digits for some time.

The number of newly infected people in Kragujevac has been below 10. The director of the Kragujevac Health Center, Vasilije Antić, said that the goal in the next period is to maintain that number.

The number of citizens being tested for suspected coronavirus is declining, but the number of those being tested for travel has increased.


579 people were hospitalized in Serbia

According to the latest data, 579 people were hospitalized in the country due to coronavirus infection, while 48 patients are on respirators.

According to the last section, the coronavirus was registered in Serbia in another 76 people, as a result of the infection. two people died. There are 48 patients on respirators.

Although the epidemiological situation is better, experts warn that the departure of children to school is a turning point and that the good indicators so far can change quickly if the measures and recommendations are not followed.

Immunologist Dr. Srdja Jankovic told RTS that there should be no relaxation and only the rigorous implementation of all current measures can keep the numbers acceptably low.

Health Minister Zlatibor Lončar said yes there will be no more understanding for those who do not respect the measurements recommended by crisis personnel, due to the fact that there can be no more than 30 people inside, to wear masks, please keep your distance.

The representative of the World Health Organization in Serbia, Miljan Ranchic, stated that the desire of all countries to relax the measures is understandable and justified because the economy and all other aspects of life suffer, but that this should be done carefully and gradually.
