There is no relaxation, in Belgrade the most worrying situation is in three more cities.


At today’s press conference of the Crisis Team for the fight against the corona virus, Dr. Predrag Kon said that there was “planning of some meetings” in which we must think seriously to avoid the spread of the infection.

– Let me immediately emphasize that there is no relaxation because the percentage of those who got sick, especially in Belgrade, is growing, 36 percent of all infected are in the capital – said Kon.

He pointed out that the situation in Kragujevac, Zajecar and Presevo is also worrying, where the number of infected is increasing, and 8.5 percent is the positivity of the previous days.

He adds that the crisis personnel specially contacted Kragujevac “to be in a state of greater attention during the weekend.” He added that this illusion that we have a relatively stable situation on a day-to-day basis can upset us and show that there is the possibility of increasing this activity. He pointed out that we are in a situation where everything depends on us.

– Schools have started to function, there are more than half a million children in primary schools alone. There is a fairly strict control. The fact is that you can see and notice that it starts with numbers that say we are less protected – she said.

He adds that the crisis personnel specially contacted Kragujevac “to be in a state of greater attention during the weekend.” He added that this illusion that we have a relatively stable situation on a day-to-day basis can upset us and show that there is the possibility of increasing this activity. He pointed out that we are in a situation where everything depends on us.

– Schools have started to function, there are more than half a million children in primary schools alone. There is a fairly strict control. The fact is that you can see and notice that it starts with numbers that say we are less protected – she said.

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