“There is no question whether Israel will recognize Kosovo or not.”


Israel’s new ambassador to Serbia, Jahel Vilan, said today that there was no question about whether or not Israel would recognize Kosovo.

Source: Tanjug



As he told TV H1, Israel recognized Kosovo on September 4.

By the way, the agreements were signed at the White House on September 4 in two variants, and only the document signed by Pristina recognizes the independence of Kosovo from Israel, because Belgrade did not want to agree to that, but could not avoid the decision. sovereign of Israel.

The Israeli ambassador reiterated that today, emphasizing that in the inaugural meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vui he discussed the improvement of relations between the two countries, and when asked how Vui commented on the Israeli recognition of Kosovo, Vilan said that it was not a network name. It could be so neat.

“But Israel is a sovereign state and that is our decision. The agreement has been signed, it is not something that Vui or we change. We must work to improve relations, not worry too much about what was done two and a half weeks ago.” in Washington, “said the Israeli ambassador.

“Now we need to see how not to allow that to affect relations between Serbia and Israel,” Vilan told N1 TV.

On September 16, immediately after handing over the credentials to President Vui, he told Tanjug that Israel had not yet technically recognized Kosovo, but emphasized that it was part of an agreement recently reached in Washington:

“As far as Kosovo is concerned, we have a statement from the Israeli prime minister on the mutual recognition of Israel and Kosovo. So far, we have not taken any additional measures on the ground, but that is part of the agreement signed in Washington,” Vilan told Tanjug at that time.
