There are 29 tasks on the table, and because of one they threaten us with SANCTIONS


According to the conclusion adopted by the Government of Serbia, all activities related to the implementation of the reorganization plan of “Srbijagas” should be completed by May 1, 2021, and the first of them will start on December 20 this year when working groups will be formed to accelerate the transfer of assets. “Blic Biznis” finds out about this company in “Transportgas”.

Between these two dates, 29 tasks have been defined, with precise deadlines and bearers who have to implement them, which practically means that in less than five months everything that was lost in the previous six years since the obligations were fulfilled must be recovered. related to restructuring. of this public company, which would become a public limited company after these processes.

These obligations we assumed in 2014 and defined in the Energy Law, and include the separation of gas transportation and distribution activities between “Srbijagas” and “Transportgas” and “Distribucijagas Srbija”, that is, the formation of completely independent companies. from suppliers.

Photo: Profimedia / RAS Serbia

In the opinion of the Council of Ministers of the Energy Community (EC), we did not realize that although we received warnings for many years, they threatened to impose sanctions on Serbia in the December session.

The threat of sanctions, which could consist of the suspension of Serbian voting rights in the Council of Ministers, in the year in which our presidency should begin, was the reason why the Government urgently adopted the Reorganization Plan of ” Srbijagas “.

Our source from Nemanjina 11 states that this document precisely defines the deadlines and conditions of the activities to be completed before May 1, 2021, after which “Srbijagas” will go from public company status to joint stock company.

– The Government has reached a conclusion that includes the Report on what has been done so far on the reorganization of “Srbijagas” and the Action Plan in 29 points, what should be done and who will do it in the next period. The government will monitor all these activities, and if there is a stoppage, it will take additional measures. The most important thing in all this is to move the property, that is, the gas pipeline from “Srbijagas” to “Transportgas”. However, this is not only about the transfer of ownership, but also about the formation of an independent management of “Transportgas” in relation to “Srbijagas”, which is required by European directives and the Energy Law – says our interlocutor .

It adds that the final effect of the adoption of this document is that the companies engaged in the transportation and distribution of gas will be licensed and owned by the Republic of Serbia.

– This means that after the transfer of assets from “Srbijagas” to “Transportgas” and “Distribucijugas”, their 100% ownership interest is transferred to the Republic of Serbia. Thus, the State will become the sole owner of these two companies, which will create the conditions for their licensing, which they currently do not have, which both the EU and the EC resent, for which the Government initiated this accelerated process. In addition, this plan provides for reviewing the status of companies that do not deal with gas, in which “Srbijagas” has an ownership interest based on debt conversion – says our source.

No one from the Government of Serbia and the Ministry of Energy wanted to speak officially, except that we were confirmed that the reorganization plan was adopted, and that the details of that document will first be presented to the Working Group that must be formed for its implementation.

The most important points of the plan and the deadlines

  • formation of a Government working body for the accelerated resolution of the issue of property transfer from PE “Srbijagas” to Transportgas – 12/20/2020 Ministry of Energy and Government
  • harmonization of the general acts of “Srbijagas” with the Public Companies Law – 12.31.2020.
  • creation of conditions for gas transportation license and transfer of assets from “Srbijagas” to “Transportgas” – 1.2.2021. Srbijagas and Transportgas
  • transfer of shares of “Transportgas” from “Srbijagas” to the Republic of Serbia – 15.2.2021. Srbijagas
  • modification of the founding act and registry of Transportgas APR 1.3.2021. Ministry of Economy
  • obtaining a license to carry out transport activities and management – 1.2.2021. Srbijagas and Transportgas
  • determination of the price of gas and adoption of a ten-year plan for the development of transport – 1.4. 2021. Transportgas
  • start of operation of “Transportgas” in accordance with Law – 1.5.2021. year “Transportgas”

The most important points for gas distribution

  • creation of conditions for gas distribution licenses, asset transfer and employee transfer from “Srbijagas” to “Distribucijagas” – 1.2.2021. Srbijagas and Distribucijagas
  • transfer of shares of “Distribucijagas” from “Srbijagas” – 02.15.2021. Srbijagas
  • modification of the founding act and entry into the APR 1.3.2021. Ministry of energy
  • obtaining a distribution and management license – 15.3.2021. “Distribucijagas”
  • determination of the connection price and adoption of a five-year development plan – 1.4.2021. “Distribucijagas”
  • Start of construction of “Distribucijagas” – 1.5.2021. “Distribucijagas”
  • change of the legal form from “Srbijagas” to a public limited company – 1.5.2021. Srbijagas and the Ministry of Energy
