I will threaten the united response of the Montenegrin and Serbian mafias


The President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, declared today that the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, is threatened by a “united response” from the Montenegrin and Serbian mafias because he fights organized crime.

“In conditions where Serbia attacks the mafia and crime, it is logical that the response is united,” Dacic told TV Pink.

Commenting on accusations by pro-government tabloids that the Russian secret services warned the Serbian president of the assassination, Dacic said that such a thing was not surprising because Vucic was also threatened by people he created politically and who obtained important positions in public. management.

Speaking about Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic’s statement that the country’s parliamentary majority has the support of the authorities in Serbia, Dacic said that a year after the parliamentary elections, Djukanovic blamed the Serbian government – “by that nature personifies to that government in Aleksandar Vucic. “

Dacic assessed such statements as hypocritical, adding that Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) lost the election last year due to the controversial Freedom of Religion Law, and not due to Serbian interference.

Dacic told Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic that he should defuse tensions and open the way for that country’s cooperation with Serbia as much as possible, “because that is the story that surpasses Milo Djukanovic.”

Commenting on claims by pro-government tabloids that the President of the Justice and Freedom Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, has bank accounts in Mauritius, Dacic assessed that the “head of the opposition to the boycott” experienced a moral collapse. .

Dacic emphasized that according to the laws of Serbia, it is a crime to have bank accounts abroad, but that the important question is where did Djilas get that money and how did he earn it.

“A real war in opposition” demands are unrealistic

Ivica Dačić also said that there was a “real war” in the opposition, and that he had already received two or three dialogue platforms from those opposition parties.

Their demands are unrealistic, but a dialogue will take place, he said, adding that the dialogue is now in the waiting phase of an opposition meeting with four European mediators.
