The woman died immediately after admission to the hospital! As soon as you feel the first symptoms of infection, do the following



25.12.2020. 18:48

The number of patients hospitalized in the Kovid ward of the Paracin General Hospital remains unchanged compared to yesterday: 62, but one elderly woman (77), out of nine recently admitted during the previous 24 hours, died immediately after admission because he was already in critical condition.


hospital, Photo: shutterstock

The number of patients hospitalized in the Kovid ward of the Paracin General Hospital remains unchanged compared to yesterday: 62, but one elderly woman (77), out of nine recently admitted during the previous 24 hours, died immediately after admission because he was already in critical condition.

For that reason, doctors again warn citizens not to try to treat themselves if they have symptoms of covid infection. They should call a doctor immediately and not wait for a serious clinical picture to develop.


Do you adhere to protection measures against the coronavirus?

By the way, during the previous 24 hours, there were eight discharges from the kovid ward, where one patient was still intubated and five on non-invasive ventilation.

According to the report of the Kovid Ambulance of the Health Center, the number of exams remains at the same level, and last Wednesday 124 patients requested the first exam or control. This institution warns that citizens who have symptoms and suspect a crown should call as soon as possible, and not at the end of the afternoon or evening. It takes about two hours to examine and diagnose each patient.
