The third wave has slowed with growth, but warnings are coming, which may change quickly


In the past two weeks, data on new coronavirus cases ranges from 100 to 190 in one day, indicating that the expected third wave slowed with growth. Crisis staff members say that in the event of a sudden jump, a transition measure to online teaching is ready, both in schools and universities. Working from home could also be an option for large companies, if they notice a sudden spread of the virus.

The union of doctors and pharmacists says that this does not have to happen, if they all adhere to the measures prescribed by the crisis headquarters. The union says that the highest state officials have not set a good example so far: how to respect the measures.

Instead of a jump, we have an increase in the number of patients, which is not yet dramatic, says epidemiologist Darija Kisić Tepavčević.

“Fortunately, there is no threat of an increase in the number of hospitalized, especially those with more severe clinical conditions. However, the experience of other countries shows that this can change very quickly. Some countries that have long been considered safe they are now among the most vulnerable, “he said.

What if it changes? The new government measures will include, as announced by the crisis headquarters, the transition to online teaching so that the virus does not spread to schools and colleges.

“Of course, we will also act locally. When there is a big jump, we will close one school at a time,” he says. Aleksandar Jović, p.Deputy Minister of Education.

Switching to work from home is an option, they say at the crisis headquarters, also for large public companies, but only in the case of a dramatic jump in the number of patients. The president of the Union of Doctors and Pharmacists, Rade Panić, warns that all these measures will have no effect if there is no control.

“So, as far as I know, no one was punished for not wearing a mask. And if they punished President Vučić for not wearing a mask twice in a meeting with young people, if they punished him or sent him to isolation because he saw politicians who” After that, they got sick, then all the citizens of Serbia would understand that you have to. And since there are public figures who behave like this, everything that doctors say goes into the background, “says Panic.

Crisis staff member epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorović says that it is noted that where measures of separation and use of masks are applied, there is no significant spread of the virus. On the other hand, says Tiodorović, a party, a musical demonstration is enough for the numbers to explode.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
