The “self-employed” are not recognized by law, but the tax wants to: collect taxes


The Serbian Tax Administration has determined that natural persons, who earn money by providing services over the Internet, such as translators, IT experts, but also YouTubers and influencers, do not pay taxes or other contributions. Therefore, the management asked everyone to settle their obligations, so that they would not face penalties. The call upset the “autonomous” community, of which they say that it is not a problem to pay taxes, but that they want something in return.

In life, only two things are certain: death and paying taxes. The Tax Administration reminded the self-employed who did not report taxes to the famous words of Benjamin Franklin.

For the Minister of Finance, that is a good gesture from the administration, who did not have to appeal or announce the control, and told those who do not pay: everyone who is involved in serious business should know what the tax policy of Serbia

So, everyone who receives money from abroad, who earned it through an employment contract or whatever, must understand that it is gross money and part of that money is paid to the State. Everyone was satisfied with the 100 euros we helped and the minimum wage. that we pay both with the guarantee plan and with the deferral of taxes and contributions, but we have to understand, it has to be paid from somewhere, ”says Finance Minister Siniša Mali.

However, many freelancers see everything as “squeezing dry wood” and trying to get rid of the IT people, who are the largest of that group. They are clearly told that the levies must be paid, but the State, with their cooperation, must find a suitable model for calculating the taxes, because nothing is clearly defined, as the law does not recognize them.

“And not making big taxes, which really do not suit anyone, especially in this crisis when it comes to kovid and when there is high unemployment of people who manage in every way possible to pay all their taxes and contributions in a way fair “. homework, “said Ivijan Stefan Stipić, a freelance software engineer.

And the amount of the fee varies and is determined based on a lump sum deduction, they explain in the Association of Tax Advisors.

“This lump sum deduction means that income is reduced by a certain percentage of recognized expenses that the state considers realistic for that type of income. And that lump sum deducted varies, depending on the type of income, from 20 to 50 percent of income. ” says Đeđr Pap of the Association of Tax Advisors.

The journalist of the portal “Startit”, Petar Paunović, explains that the revolt of the self-employed comes from dissatisfaction with the business climate, which is very unfavorable for them. They do not have many rights of conventional employees, and the problem is that they cannot use different digital platforms like their colleagues in other countries, because our institutions do not recognize them, so they lose part of their profits.

“Someone who deals with transport will pay taxes to have better roads, so someone who deals with self-employment in Serbia will pay taxes to have better business conditions. However, we see that the state has unfortunately done nothing in the recent years to improve those business conditions. ” says Paunović.

Will anyone really ask to pay for something? Paunović doubts and affirms that this movement of the Tax is more likely to motivate the self-employed to find a way to avoid paying.

Until the collection begins, the self-employed are looking for a way to reduce the tax, which is why they have launched a petition “Do not destroy it.”
