The saint healed the girl with miraculous powers, saved the boy for the woman



25.10.2020. five pm

All those saved by the saint’s miracles told the same story, about a woman in a black cloak.

Good Friday, source of healing water

Photo: RINA

The miraculous visions of Good Friday, which we celebrate on October 27, still occur today: the saint helps in sickness and trouble, but also warns those who sin.

He saved the lives of many and guided them to the correct path of faith. Centuries pass and the history of the saint continues to inspire the hearts of the faithful. And it strengthens faith, returning us again and again to its very essence.

A JNA officer and member of the then inviolable Party was found kneeling on the floor of a Belgrade chapel sunk into a rock under the walls of the Kalemegdan fortress, dedicated to Good Friday. When one of the believers asked him how he, as a military man, expresses his religious feelings so freely despite the fact that the Party forbids him, he replied: “This church saved my life.”

During World War II, I was attacked nearby by a German patrol and pursued by pursuing police dogs. I sought salvation in this cave, a church that at that time did not even have a door that could protect me from dogs. Running towards the church, I waited for the dogs to come in and tear me apart before the patrol arrived. However, the dogs came and barked, but they did not cross the threshold.

Then the police arrived and one of them entered with a pistol and a battery. At that moment, a woman in a black suit appeared in front of me and, standing in front of me, spread her cloak to cover me.

Holy Friday


The soldier passed his battery over me and over all the walls and corners of the chapel, and he did not see me. I was invisible to him! The soldiers rushed forward and the woman in black disappeared. Only after two hours did I summon the courage to leave the chapel, not knowing if my pursuers were close, but everything outside was calm and seemed reassuring.
Later I learned that this church is dedicated to Good Friday. Taking a look at the icon, I saw that she was dressed in black dresses, so I recognized her. She saved my life and that is why I come here to thank her.

The history of the Vitanovac village near Kraljevo is unusual and is preserved in the same way, but it ended happily.
The family’s housewife went out to the road to wait for the bus that was supposed to take her husband, to signal him not to get off the bus anywhere in town, but to hurry back home by any obligation. It was a party. While waiting for the bus, a van hit her, knocked her aside and she remained unconscious.

He regained consciousness in the hospital, just as he was receiving the injection. After the nurse left, “a woman in black by the bed” remained.

“Your son was supposed to suffer, but you replaced him. Do not sue the driver who hit him. When you recover, go to the church on Good Friday and light a candle … Why did you work on Friday? And why do you work on Sundays? “

When she fell asleep, the patient saw the interior of St. Petka’s church and the arrangement of the icons on the wall. When he got out of the hospital, he went to St. Petka’s church and told the old man.

Holy Friday


As one of the newest, there is an example of a Music Academy student who was ill with leukemia.
The authors of the monograph “Good Friday – Serbian Glory and Protection of the Faithful”, as one of the many examples of miracles, cite the case of a young woman suffering from leukemia:

After much effort, the doctors said they had nothing else to do. Then the parents, crushed by grief, rushed to the miraculous doctor, the relics of Venerable Mother Paraskeva in the city of Iasi, with strong faith, with prayers and tears, to heal their daughter.
For two months, the priests of the Cathedral and the parents, together with their daughter, prayed to God and the Venerable for healing. After fervent prayers, the girl was completely cured of leukemia, so all the doctors were surprised and, at the beginning of the following year, she returned to the Academy to give lectures. “The centuries pass and the story of the saint continues to inspire the hearts of the faithful, and strengthens faith, returning us time and again to its very essence.

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