The murder of the Zec family was the darkest crime in Mercep’s unit, and no one was responsible for it.


YOU KILLED MY DAD, NOT MY MOTHER: The murder of the Zec family was the darkest crime in Mercep's unit, and no one was responsible for it.

Photo: Youtube / Printscreen

Many in Zagreb knew him. Some of those who appeared on his doorstep also knew him personally. One of them even used to occasionally borrow money from a butcher. In addition to Mihajlo, his wife Marija (36), sons Aleksandra (12), Dušan (10) and Gordana (7) were also in the house. The children were sleeping at the time.

Mihajlo and Marija were upstairs in the living room. Police said they would search the apartment and confiscate his gun, as they knew he was an avid hunter. Of course, they did not have any valid documents required to enter the house, nor a permit to search the apartment. Without the approval of the owner, they began to open the drawers, turn them over, open the cabinets, take out the bedding. Everything valuable, like the gold and money that they took.

After 10-15 minutes, they left and Mihajlo followed them down the stairs, following them. They got into the truck. He approached the truck, explained them, and asked them to return what they had taken. One of them, allegedly Siniša Rimac, fired several bullets at him.

Mihajlo fell and was killed on the spot. After the shooting, they tried to get away from the scene as soon as possible. While the driver of the truck was turning in a tight space, he damaged a parked car. Some of the neighbors heard gunshots at night and looked out the window. They saw a gray truck leave.

When she heard the shooting in the street, Mihajlo’s wife came out to see what was happening and her daughter Aleksandra ran after her. He found a truck that was still in front of his house. The five in uniform collected them both, put them in the vehicle and drove off.

Dušan and Gordana slept in their room and did not even know what kind of drama was going on in the house and in front of it. In an interview, Dusan said that his neighbor covered his eyes so he would not see the body of his dead father lying in the yard.

photo: Youtube / Printscreen

Although it was night, a large police team came to the scene. Among other things, they collected the prints that were left in front of the house after the crash of the truck and the parked car. Thus, they determined that the suspects used a police vehicle. No one could tell them where Maria and Aleksandra were.

The next day, December 8, an autopsy was performed on Mihajlo Zec at the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminology. The cause of death was gunshot wounds to the head and chest. It was concluded that several bullets were fired at him while he was lying down.

Not much was said about the event, it was only whispered among the police officers in Đorđićeva. After a few days, Munib Suljić, Igor Mikola, Nebojša Hodak, Siniša Rimac and Suzana Živanović were arrested in Đorđićevo. It was still unknown where Marija and Aleksandra were.

On the morning of December 14, 1991, after admitting that they had indeed been to Mihajlo Zec’s home and killed him, they admitted that they had killed both Maria and Aleksandra. An investigation should have been carried out on Sljeme, at the place of his liquidation.

By the time the investigation team arrived at the wooden facility at the picnic area, there were already five suspects there. They were guarded by special police forces.

They killed them in the garbage dump

The killers showed the place where the mother and child were killed. While explaining how they committed the monstrous crime, the policemen filmed the confession. The murder site was actually a small garbage dump on the hill and it is located about twenty meters from the picnic area. They soon found Mary’s purple dress. He was also wearing a purple tracksuit. After further excavation, another corpse appeared, a girl in a dark blue tracksuit.

Their hands and mouth were tied. The dead girl’s legs were almost completely stretched out and her right leg rested on her mother’s head. There was a slipper on that right foot, there was none on the left. They found several shell casings near the mother’s right knee. All five admitted that they hid the gun in the attic of the picnic area building, where investigators found it.

The bodies of the mother and daughter were transported to the Institute of Forensic Medicine and Criminology in Šalata. The mother had six gunshot wounds. He had three gunshot wounds to the head alone.

In addition to Alexandra’s bound hands, she also had a blindfold. The murderer fired several bullets in his head, he had two wounds on his right cheek and three above his right ear.

And the policemen who carried out the investigation were shocked when they heard one of the murderers relate Alexandra’s words: “You killed my dad, don’t kill my mom either.” The girl did not even think that death was near her.

During the investigation, the five claimed that Mihajlo was killed by Siniša Rimac and that the mother and daughter were killed by Munib Suljić.

No one was held responsible for the murders. Due to procedural errors, his confession repeated by the investigating judge could not be used in the judicial process. Munib Suljic Igor Mikola and Sinisa Rimac were convicted in 2005, but for the murder of an unknown man. Suljic, who was the first to shoot, received the longest sentence of 10 years.

Rimac was sentenced to eight years, while Mikola was sentenced to five years in prison as a helper.

The only “justice” Dušan and Gordana Zec received was the payment of a one-time financial aid in the amount of 1.5 million kuna in 2004. Today, Dušan Zec lives in Banja Luka and works in a real estate agency. Through a friend, he said that the media constantly reminds him of some things that he has been trying to forget for years and that it is too painful for him to remember everything.

By the way, with the February 2017 verdict, the Supreme Court changed the first instance verdict by increasing Mercep’s sentence to seven years in prison, which, instead of in the prison cell, he occasionally “served” in the Krapinske toplice elite spa.

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Author: delivery courier
