The mother lied from the beginning, are most of her children in prison?



19.09.2020. 17:34 – 19.09.2020. 17:44

The investigation so far has shown that the allegations in the mother’s report that her son was tied up, buried in the sand and threatened to be thrown from a nearby building are not true.

Mladen Mijatović

Mladen Mijatović, Photo: Printscreen

During the investigation thus far, it was determined that four children were playing on the playground next to the church. They jumped from the first floor of a building under construction onto the sand. At one point, the children fought, insulted each other, insulted each other, threw stones and sprayed water with a sprinkler.

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The two children went home and returned to the playground with their mother Svetlana K. Child NK from Kikinda General Hospital was found to have minor injuries, scratches, bruises and bumps. There are no traces of attachment, as his mother said earlier.

The mothers of the children Svetlana K and Elvira K have not gotten along before. Svetlana is a beneficiary of social assistance and the mother of 10 children with different partners. Most of their children are already in prison as adults. Svetlana was convicted of neglecting and abusing her children. By order of the Prosecutor’s Office, misdemeanor charges were filed against both mothers for failing to properly supervise. The Social Work Center was informed about the event.
