Whoever organizes a party or celebrates with more than five people inside runs the risk of a fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars, based on the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which entered into force last Friday.
The perpetrator of this violation can be reported to the communal inspection or communal militia by the citizens themselves through the single contact center of the Inspection Supervision Coordination Commission.
It should be remembered that the new measures adopted by the Government of Serbia came into force on Tuesday night, which means that all service facilities, except pharmacies, gas stations and restaurants that have delivery, must close at 9:00 p.m. This measure is limited to two weeks, that is, until December 1, and if the epidemiological situation does not calm down by then, new, even more drastic measures are threatened!
However, the current ones are not so mild either. One of them, based on the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, foresees high fines for the organizers of parties or celebrations with more than five people inside.
– A fine of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars was imposed on the owner of an apartment in which a meeting of more than five people was organized inside, reveals Dragan Pushara, head of the inspection unit of the Ministry of State Administration and Local Autonomy .

If it’s about renting an apartment, say, for a day, then the penalty can be borne by the owner or the meeting organizer.
– If there is no lease, the owner of the apartment is responsible for two reasons. Firstly, because there is no such contract, and the fine ranges between 500,000 and one and a half million dinars, and secondly, for organizing a meeting with more than five people inside, for which a fine is threatened from 50,000 to 150,000 dinars. Finally, if there is a lease, then the fine must be paid by the meeting organizer in the amount of 50,000 to 150,000 dinars, Pushara explains.
As he adds, the amount of the penalty is determined by the offense judge, mainly on the basis of whether it is the first offense or a repeated offense. In addition to communal or police inspection, citizens themselves can detect the violation.
– If they see or hear a party, celebration or any other gathering of more than five people inside, citizens can inform us through the exclusive contact center of the Inspections Supervision Coordination Commission. They can fill out the form online or call 011 / 6350-322. It would be best to leave a recording, photograph or audio recording as evidence so that we have material evidence of the violation and reduce the risk of false reports – emphasizes Pushara.
By the way, about 1,100 communal inspectors and 400 communal militiamen will be trained as of tomorrow on the new authorizations they received last Friday, when the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases came into force.
-Currently, communal inspectors and communal militiamen go out into the field, but they only have a consultative role, that is, they warn citizens about violations. Our goal is not to start punishing immediately, but also to draw people’s attention to inappropriate behavior. The training will be completed on Monday, when the communal inspectors and communal militiamen will begin to punish based on new authorizations, Pushara stresses, adding that some 300 communal inspectors and 180 communal militiamen will be trained in Belgrade.
By amending the law, communal inspectors and communal militiamen can control and sanction not wearing a mask or disrespecting physical distance in open and closed spaces. This specifically means that a communal militiaman or a communal inspector of the city (tourist, ecological, market …) can impose a fine of 5,000 dinars on the spot to anyone who, for example, does not wear a mask inside or do not respect the prescribed physical distance.
In addition, the city municipal inspector or communal militiaman may issue a fine to a legal entity on site if, for example, there is not enough space between tables in the catering facility or there are more guests than allowed in relation to square feet. The fines for a legal person range from 50,000 to 300,000 dinars.
By the way, the communal inspectors of the city and the communal militiamen do not have all the authorizations of the sanitary inspectors with the amendments to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases, but only those who do not enter the medical profession.

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Author: delivery courier