The hawks arrive: Kosovo receives the “Biden government”


“At this point, the most important thing is when the new Biden administration will accept in Pristina and if the old ‘hawks’ of the Democrats, like Madeleine Albright, can give up Hashim Thaci and the personal, emotional and commercial ties to its structures”, says writer and journalist Zivojin Rakocevic. on the occasion of the upcoming early parliamentary elections in Kosovo.

The elections were conditioned by the fall of the government of the prime minister of Kosovo, Avdulah Hoti, and following the decision of the Constitutional Court that the vote of the deputy Etem Arifi was not valid at the time of the election of this government, which opened the He asks: what do the new elections bring to Kosovo and Metohija, but also to Belgrade-Pristina relations. especially if the Self-Determination Movement of Albin Kurti, the former prime minister of Kosovo, wins them, considering that polls show they will get the most votes, Sputnik writes.

The Biden administration is key to the new government in Pristina

According to Rakocevic, Kosovo is a space of constant and modeled crisis that is maintained in all segments of society, from politics, the economy, intra-Albanian confrontations and attitudes towards everything that is not the ideology of the Kosovo Liberation Army . Such an unnatural situation, he added, has lasted twenty years since the 1999 bombing.

– The worst thing for everyone in this area is that each new election since then, from 2001 to today, has deepened the crisis and marked a step towards democracy and basic human rights. We had kidnappings, murders, arson daily, but there was a greater hope that changes would come, that there would be a more normal life. But as each election cycle ended, there was less and less hope. Even today, the majority, including Albanians, and especially intellectuals, think that even these elections will not bring any improvement, explains Rakocevic.

The Self-Determination Movement and its leader, Albin Kurti, are, he added, a perfect expression of the Kosovo crisis.

– He manages perfectly in anarchy, he has a rich prison experience and he is not interested in any Kosovo verdict against him. That won’t stop him from taking power. Basically, it is possible to replace one of Thaci’s totalitarianisms with Kurti’s totalitarian ideological matrix, which is based on more extreme nationalism and social populism, says Rakočević.

Ancient “hawks” of the United States

Rakocevic is convinced that the outcome of the Kosovo elections is, in any case, in the hands of the new US administration of Joseph Biden and old “hawks” like Madeleine Albright.

– If they decide to return Thaci from The Hague, which is a real possibility, he is capable and powerful of “stabilizing” Kosovo. In that case, Albin Kurti will continue to be the most popular politician and may formally have power, but without influence or power, or that power will be very small, he believes.

Americans must intervene

Kosovo political scientist Necmedin Spahiu hopes for a convincing victory for Albin Kurti’s self-determination in the upcoming elections, but not a solution to the problem surrounding the election of the president.

– I think there will be no dilemma about the choice of the prime minister because I hope that Kurti wins, but the opinions of the parties on the election of the president of Kosovo are sharpening and there will be no consensus among them until the Americans help. Two-thirds of the parliament must vote for the president of the state, and in that sense, the election is problematic – says Spahiu.

The Americans, he says, do not want to be directly involved in these issues and want to show that Kosovo society is mature enough to solve its problems.

– However, they will have to intervene because it is unlikely that there will be a compromise between the Kosovo political forces to solve this problem – says Spahiu.

When asked what kind of attitude Pristina expects towards Belgrade if Kurti comes to power again, Spahiu says she expects a more serious approach from the Self Determination leader.

– Kurti may be rigid in negotiations, but foreign policy is not his strong point. The last time and fell from power due to his foreign policy. In the meantime, let’s hope he has regained his reason a bit and looks at Kosovo’s interests more pragmatically, and not just ideologically, says Spahiu.

It should be remembered that the former prime minister of Kosovo and leader of the Self-Determination Movement, Albin Kurti, described the agreement reached at the White House between Belgrade and Pristina as “an agreement that creates a fourth Yugoslavia.” Kurti believes that this new Yugoslavia is being created through the “mini Schengen area”, which will allow the economic hegemony of Belgrade over the Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija and Albania.
