The girl complained of itching and the teenager gave her scratch candy



26.12.2020. 16:49

The two families live close by, know each other well and have visited each other often. He was not detained after the hearing.

Pedophilia, pedophile

Pedofilija, pedofil, Photo: Shuterstoock /

After some media reported that Š.V. (15) from Matijevac, near Vladimirac, arrested on suspicion of assaulting a four-year-old girl from the same village, the Šabac Police Administration announced that the young man was arrested on suspicion of sexually harassing the girl.

Š.V. He was heard last night in the Superior Court of Sabac before a juvenile judge. After the hearing, he was not arrested, and in the continuation of the investigation carried out by the investigating judge, all the circumstances of this case will be examined and a decision will be made on the classification of the crime.

Since the girl is only four years old, everything can be traumatic for her. Furthermore, the child, who is larger and more developed for his age, is still a minor and practically a child. Therefore, research in this case must be careful and will include experts, psychologists and pedagogues, says the source.

The two families live close by, know each other well and have visited each other often. The girl complained to the young man, when she got home four days ago, that her body itched. He supposedly promised her a kinder egg and told her to take it off, so she touched her to see where it stung.

– It is true that the girl was not raped or had an affair, and if the young man will be responsible for another crime, such as illegal sexual acts or sexual harassment, it is too early to talk about that. The girl is only four years old and the truth of her story will surely be assessed, as well as the fact that her parents reported the case to the police after four days. In addition, the personality and behavior of the young suspect must be assessed – said the lawyer representing the minors.

In Matijevac, hardly anyone wanted to speak to journalists about this case. Although the houses are scattered, the town is small and the people know both families well.

– That it is normal for a 15-year-old boy to touch a four-year-old girl is not. Once again, they were friends of the house and who knows how and what really happened. I don’t think the girl’s parents made it up. If he did something to the boy, let him respond, he says that about Matijevac, who knows both families.
