Subotica – The draft Detailed Regulatory Plan for the part of the gap between the existing and planned route of the Belgrade – Subotica railway in Aleksandrovo is on public view.
Source: eKapija

Photo: Depositphotos, rook76
The client is the city of Subotica, the investor is the Serbian Ministry of Justice and the developer is the Ministry of Construction. The plan is being developed by the PE for the management of roads, urban planning and housing in Subotica. The plan is on public view until November 10, eKapija reports.
The plan covers an area of approximately 26.9 2 hectares.
The main objectives of the detailed regulation plan are, among others, the creation of a planning base, that is, the development of an implementation document for the realization of the prison complex and the productive and commercial facilities, the determination of public areas for define new streets and correct the regulation of existing streets. and improvement of the existing communal infrastructure.
In Block 1, the construction of a penitentiary center with accompanying contents is planned. The prison complex will build all the necessary facilities, as well as the content and layout of the complex (parking spaces, green areas, car and pedestrian traffic).
According to the plan, a space of 10.98 ha has been reserved for prison complexes.
In Block 3 all activities in the field of production and commercial functions can be carried out, except those that would have a theatrical impact on the environment.
The area is primarily intended for the construction of larger commercial complexes, although the construction of smaller complexes is permitted.
According to the plan, two new streets were formed through the existing uncategorized highways.