The commander of the military hospital kovid Udovicic has an ALARM MESSAGE before the Crisis Staff session


The situation at the kovid hospital in Karaburma is difficult, we no longer have vacancies, said the commander of VMC Karaburma, Colonel Dr. Ivo Udovicic, stating that there are currently 12 patients in the intensive care unit.

Dr. Udovicic said 15 more patients are “at the door to intensive care” because they have a high flow of oxygen.

– With the increase in the number of new infected, also increases the number of hospital admissions. Our hospitals are full again. The number of seriously ill people is increasing, as is the number of deaths, the number of patients on respirators, Udovicic said.

He says that for healthcare workers, who have been working in spacesuits for almost a year, the situation is dramatic.

He believes that the number of newly infected people has increased again because we did not adhere to anti-epidemic measures and that we have become too relaxed with mass vaccination because we think the epidemic was coming to an end.

– The epidemic is out of control. This is a large fire that cannot be put out with a garden hose to water your lawn. That’s my message for tomorrow’s crisis staff session – said Udovicic.

As he says, serious measures must be taken, and that is to respect the prescribed measures that are in force, and on the other hand accelerate the mass vaccination process, because Serbia is the only country in the world that has vaccines from four manufacturers.

– We have a unique opportunity to be the first country in the world to bring the epidemic under the control of mass vaccination. With three million vaccinated citizens who received both doses, we will become a country where the crown will not have an epidemic character – said Udovicic.

By extinguishing the epidemic in Serbia, as he said, there will only be individual cases of illness, hospitals will be able to return to normal work, and citizens will be able to return to normal life.

– I hope that in two or three months we can boast of having controlled the epidemic. Until then, we must adhere to the measures – said Udovicic.

He points out that Serbia is now on the verge of returning hospitals to the covid system, which, as he points out, is inadmissible. He believes that the inspections did not do their job well either, especially in the mountain centers, because many infected people return from wintering.


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