The claims of the Ćuruvija family lawyer that Kuraku’s passport was issued during the procedure are incorrect


MILICKOVIC: Incorrect claims by Curuvija family lawyer that Kurak's passport was issued during the procedure

Photo: Printscreen / Youtube

Milosav Milickovic, Secretary of State for the Interior Ministry, said today that the claims of Slobodan Ruzic, a lawyer for the Curuvija family, that Miroslav Kurak’s passport was extended during the proceedings for the murder of journalist Slavko Curuvija are absolutely incorrect.

– To truly inform the public, I would like to mention that Miroslav Kurak’s passport was issued in 2011 and no extension of his travel document has been made since then, as this document, which was issued to him during the previous government, continues being valid. If we consider the fact that the indictment for Slavko Curuvija’s murder was filed in June 2014 and that the trial began a year later, then it is more than clear that Ruzic’s lawyer’s claims are false, Milickovic said in a release.

The secretary of state adds that he finds it hard to believe that Ruzic, who, as a lawyer for the Curuvija family, knows this case well, did not know exactly when Kurak’s passport was issued.

– Therefore, I think that the accusations, which were made during the procedure, are more than malicious – concludes Miličković.


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