The biggest WISH of Marijana (10) and Marko (14) IS A NEW BED for their immobile grandmother!


THEY CRED SERBIA: The greatest WISH of Marijana (10) and Marko (14) IS A NEW BED for their immobile grandmother!

Photo: private archive of print screen

Once they were a brother and sister who were abandoned by their father and whose mother died. They were left alone at home to take care of the immobile grandmother. This sounds like the beginning of an old children’s story, but it is not a fairy tale, it is the harsh reality of Marijana Dačević (10) and her older brother Marko (14) from Suvi Do near Blace.

“Our mother died exactly one year ago. Since then, my brother Marko and I have been taking care of our grandmother Ljiljana, because our father also left us and will no longer come.” With these words, Mariana from Suvo Do near Blace, without asking a question, explains how she and her brother Marko live. Although she went to bed earlier to sleep a little, because she gets up at five in the afternoon because she goes to school, a girl who, according to her grandmother Ljiljana, grew up overnight, as a true housewife, immediately asks us if we want. coffee, Novosti writes.

“Unfortunately, Marijana is forced to do all the women’s chores in the house. She prepares the food, cleans, cooks, takes care of me, takes care of me, dresses me … I recently had my leg amputated due to gangrene, like this that the two of them take care of me, “says Grandma Ljiljana, without hiding her sadness, from the bed placed on the edge of the living room.

The grandmother does not hide her despair at the fate of these two of her little ones. That is why he mostly blames his son for leaving his children and does not care about them anymore.

“If only I could change their parents … I love them more than my life … But, unfortunately, I can’t help them. Instead of me, they help me,” sighs Grandma Ljiljana and clumsily hides her tears. she. grandchildren.

He also tells us that they live on only 8,000 dinars, which is the amount of their welfare, and that they survive thanks to humanity.

“Dejan Milosevic from Kursumlija helped us a lot. He bought us an electric stove and firewood, because we didn’t have firewood, but some bushes that Marko managed to cut and bring,” says Ljiljana.

Grandmother Marko listened attentively to her grandmother’s story while sitting on the bed behind her. While we praise him because he is good and responsible, that he is a boy and that he is already the head of the house, the cheerful and cheerful Mariana asks us what that means, but immediately lets us know that her brother is also helping her mix the bread. .

She is also an excellent student, while her brother, who attends classes one day and stays at home the next, shyly says that he does not have a computer to monitor classes online. So after thinking for a long time when asked what they miss the most, they say that it is the internet because the television they received from human persons is connected to the antenna that a neighbor gave them.

“If it weren’t for good people, we really couldn’t survive. The children are small and I am helpless,” repeats the grandmother whose story Marko listens thoughtfully, while Mariana tries to improve the girl’s mood. family.

This girl who carries too much burden on her shoulders is always happy. We ask her what she would like to achieve and what she misses the most, and she responds like a cannon:

“I need everything. I would like to have a new bed for my grandmother, and for me and for Marko, because I sleep on the floor. And my brother would certainly like to have a ‘milling machine’ or a tractor.”

Marko nods affirmatively and says that he orders the garden and buys the food himself, but that he is always on hand for his sister and grandmother for everything she needs.

“Now I can no longer work and contribute to living better, but when I grow up I will get a job. I will try to help everyone who needs help, apart from my grandmothers and sisters,” this boy tells us seriously. aware of the obligations that are unfairly due to him, but for what he does not complain, he just wants to be even more useful

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