THE BIG TRUTH about the reality of the participants, some do not even have bread, and the GREEKS IN DEBT


Many public figures decide to enter reality to earn money and have a more comfortable life.

kija i sloba_290518_RAS photo MIlan Ilic07_previewPhoto: Milan Ilic / RAS Serbia

kija i sloba_290518_RAS photo MIlan Ilic07_preview

Only Kija Kockar and Sloba Radanović managed to use their five minutes and win well even after the reality show.

However, most reality stars do not have a full or part-time job in real life, and some, so to speak, do not have bread to eat, so they turn to a secure income in entertainment shows yet. current.

Mladen vuletic Photo: instagram / mladenvuletic / Instagram

Mladen vuletic

Nenad Marinkovic Gastoz, Nina Prlja, Mladen Vuletic, Ilijana Vagic, Ivan Gavrilovic, Dina Galorini, Jelena Golubovic, Nikola Lakic and his single wife Aleksandra Tasic Coka, who are even the son who has just turned one year old, have returned to the luxurious villa in Zemun. days left with grandparents to earn money.

Gastoz is the only one who makes money recording songs and clips, and many times he advertises certain products on social networks where he has a large number of followers, but that obviously is not enough for him.

– I’ve finished. I won and I no longer intend to enter reality. I’m tired of everything – Gastoz said after winning in the fifth season, but he also denied it.

On the other hand, Ivan Gavrilović is also out of work. Since the borders were closed, the dancer has not acted like many of his peers and reality has served him well to earn some dinars.

The same is true for Jelena Golubović, but also for other participants, for whom this is the only sure way of income and income.

Lepa lukicPhoto: Rajko Ristic / RAS Serbia

Lepa lukic

Lepa Lukić is the only reality TV contestant to receive a pension from Canada in the outside world. However, the torment forced him into reality due to the 12,000 euro gambling debt, Kurir writes. She agreed to a great rate of 800 euros a month, and plans to pay off all debts with that.

VIDEO: Money account expenses
