The Assembly modifies the Property Tax Law, as of January 1, 2021, citizens will no longer pay the following concepts …



24.11.2020. 11:25

Assembly session


The deputies will meet today in the Assembly of Serbia, where a new session begins today with several items on the agenda, including reforms to the Property Tax Law, which stipulate that as of January 1, 2021, no taxes will be paid on primary agricultural production facilities, as well as the debate on the election of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality.

The Assembly of Serbia is discussing today Fr. a set of financial laws explained by the Minister of Finance, Sinisa Mali.

The deputies began today’s session with a minute of silence in which they paid tribute to the late Patriarch Irinej, and later posed questions to the executive branch and republican bodies.

The president of the Serbian National Assembly, Ivica Dačić, declared that the parliament should also function during the corona epidemic.

Institutions must function – Dacic said.

MP Jadranka Jovanović was among the first to arrive in parliament, and shortly afterwards Dragan Šormaz, Zoran Dragišić, Snežana Paunović, Samir Tandir. Representatives of the Serbian Progressive Party also arrived, led by the Vice President of the Serbian Assembly, Vladimir Orlić.

The MP Joška Broz was yesterday for “Hello!” discovered that the crown was in June.

I was in bed for twenty days with a fever. I am a sugar cane, but I have good lungs because I practice underwater fishing. If there is a parliamentarian without a mask in the room tomorrow, I will announce the rules and leave the session he said.
