The approval of the law opened a debate: if it is good that vaccination is mandatory


Since representatives from American Pfizer and its German partner Biontek announced that the coronavirus vaccine they are testing is 90 percent effective, optimism in people is growing globally and countries around the world are fighting for the first dose quotas for that vaccine. The debate on whether the vaccine should be mandatory was opened with the amendments to the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which came into force today in Serbia.

Yesterday, the reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which are in force today, contemplate mandatory and recommended immunization, but also greater powers of the line minister. Now, the Minister may also decide who can enter and leave the country and under what conditions, but also order mandatory emergency immunization, that is, recommended through a special act.

The secretary of state in the Ministry of Health jumped to answer the question what would be the sanctions for those who refuse to be vaccinated, but he is convinced that the state will provide free vaccines for those who are interested.

“When the mandatory immunization ends, it is the health workers, the army, the police and all of us who have to take care of this country, first of all, because if we have a problem there, who are going to take care of our patients who are they will infect in great numbers. “The health workers, the army and the police will be immunized first. After that, we will take turns, but I am convinced that the leadership of this country will continue to do its job very seriously and will provide free vaccines for all concerned.” Secretary of State Mirsad Djerlek said.

In the law itself, mandatory immunization is specified differently. It is mandatory for people of a certain age, as well as for other people determined by law, that the person to be immunized, as well as the parent or guardian, cannot refuse, except in a specific case.

Vaccination is mandatory for:

– people of a certain age against tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough.

– people exposed to certain infectious diseases.

– people at special risk of disease.

– people employed in health institutions against certain infectious diseases.

– Passengers in international traffic against yellow fever and other infectious diseases at the request of the country to which they travel.

Recommended or mandatory, it will only be possible when purchased. Yesterday, the president of Serbia announced the purchase of 1.8 million doses of the vaccine by December, and probably from a US manufacturer. According to pulmonologist Dragana Jovanović, “one should not be fooled” within this timeframe, because Pfizer representatives also said they do not expect it to be in commercial use before March.

On the other hand, he praises that the vaccine was started on time, but that it is not necessary to impose it on the public.

“I am afraid that these impositions will be forced to cause the opposite effect and that is not good, it should be recommended. Highly recommended. However, people want to be vaccinated, because they protect themselves from a plague in a period, even if they get the disease it will be an easier way. Because no vaccine protects one hundred percent, “says pulmonologist Jovanović.

The US manufacturer still does not know how long the protection against kovid-19 lasts after vaccination. At least that’s what the Pfizer CEO told CNN.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
