The Americans are preparing a new Yugoslavia !? –



25.11.2020. 23:00

Former Balkan diplomat Timothy Les says the region, under the leadership of the new US chief, could be a new multi-ethnic entity, closely linked to the EU. That would be the embodiment of what was once a great state.

Joe biden

Džo Bajden, Photo: AP Photo / Andrew Harnik

Former Balkan diplomat Timothy Les tells that the region, under new US President Joe Biden, will be a kind of “EU-Yugoslavia”, a new multi-ethnic entity, closely linked to the EU, which includes six Western Balkan states based in Belgrade. .

Should the Serbs agree to form a new Yugoslavia?

– It will not be a new Yugoslavia, which was a product of its time. But the facts on the ground will force Biden to return to the logic of the recent past and advocate for the creation of his 21st-century incarnation, the new EU-Yugoslavia, Les writes in an author’s text for

He points out that there is no doubt that the Biden administration will want to annul what the former head of America, Donald Trump, did, that some already predict the rejection of the Serbs and “their dreams of a new territorial agreement”, but that this thought ignores the new strategic reality. It adds that as European integration has been broken for various reasons, Serbia has meanwhile renewed its position as the most prominent country in the Balkans following the emergence of a strong leader that ended the chaos of the 2000s and to the period of structural reforms. He also points out to them that Serbia has engaged in “clever diplomatic maneuvers”, which have allowed it to use the support of non-Western powers that want a presence in the Balkans: Russia, China, Turkey. That, he adds, has strengthened Serbia’s position in relation to the United States.

– If President Biden wants to remain faithful to the American objective of establishing some kind of lasting peace in the Balkans, allowing their internal development and external integration with the West, he must work within the framework of this new reality – Les writes in the text.
