TENSION IN THE COURT The defense of Zoran Marjanović demands a HEARING OF TWO SINGERS and a karateka, recordings are seen AFTER THE ASSASSINATION OF JELENA


The defense of Zoran Marjanović, accused of killing his wife, singer Jelena Marjanović, on the Crvenka embankment near Borča on April 2, 2016, requested the hearing of two singers, Indy and Sandra Africa, as well as the testimony of the karate fighter Ivan Todorov.

According to the “Blic” reporter, the defense requested the questioning of the two singers because in a “show they heard them talk about the beautiful relationship that Jelena and Zoran had.”

As Marjanović’s lawyers explained, when questioned, they want to explain that Zoran and Jelena had a harmonious marriage.

Sandra Africa

Photo: Zoran Ilić, RAS / RAS combo

Sandra Africa

The judge asked Marjanovic if he knew their addresses, but he said that he had cooperated with them before, but that he had lost all contact with these singers after Jelena’s murder.

The questioning of karate fighter Ivan Todorov, who was on the embankment the day Jelena was killed, was also requested.

At this defense request, the deputy prosecutor was filled because the deadline for proposing witnesses had passed a long time.

Zoran Marjanović

Photo: Dejan Briza / RAS Serbia

Zoran Marjanović

At today’s hearing, camera footage is being viewed near the embankment. As we learn, the recordings show that after the moment the singer died, cyclists and a car passed by on the street. The video also shows two people, one smaller and one larger, who may be suspected of being Marjanović and his minor daughter, but the defense claims that the picture is not clear and cannot be claimed.

Today’s hearing, as we have learned, takes place in a tense environment because the defense is constantly trying to challenge the work of the expert who examined the movements of Jelena Marjanović and Zoran on the embankment before and at the time of the murder.

Continuation of trials and accusations

The trial of Zoran Marjanovic, accused of the murder of his wife, singer Jelena, on April 2, 2016 at the Crvenka embankment in Borca, continues today in the Belgrade High Court. Marjanović arrived at the hearing accompanied by a lawyer.

In the two previous hearings, held on November 12 and 13, Dragoljub Vasiljevic, the expert advisor for the defense of telecommunications, was questioned, who carried out the telecommunications expertise of the base stations on the embankment of the Jelena and Zoran.

Marjanovic is accused of the crime of aggravated homicide, for which he faces up to 40 years in prison and defends himself in freedom.

The prosecution accuses him of having killed his wife Jelena on the Borča embankment on April 2, 2016, while their youngest daughter, who accompanied them to the Crvenka embankment in Borča that afternoon, was in the immediate vicinity of the scene of the crime.
