Tag Archives: quarantine

021: Delayed citizens receive quarantine decisions

[ad_1] Some citizens of Novi Sad received decisions about the home quarantine measure from the health inspection after seven or even 10 days after they went into isolation, writes the portal 021.rs. In state agencies for 021.rs He confirmed that there are delays in the delivery of solutions, but that …

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Now everything is known down to the details of the new law: what the home quarantine means, how long it lasts, how much salary he receives while in it.

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs / Telegraf / MG DATE AND TIME: 07.11.2020. 16:50 The home quarantine measure can also be applied to passengers in international traffic entering the Republic of Serbia Photo: Shutterstock The reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which will toughen the …

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