Tag Archives: professor

AMERICA AS A BANANA REPUBLIC: Professor Srđa Trifković from the USA, for “Novosti”, on the elections in America and their consequences

[ad_1] Professor Srdja Trifkovic from the USA says this for “Novosti”, after the vote. That, he says, reminds him of similar “conspiracies” in post-communist regimes, only more brutal. He believes that even in those regimes, one cannot imagine “producing” more than 100,000 votes for the “boss” in the middle of …

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PROFESSOR KOČOVIĆ ANNOUNCES NEW FORECASTS This shows how long the rise of the third wave of the crown will last and when the end of the epidemic in Serbia is expected

[ad_1] Photo: Zorana Jevtić, Printscreen Professor Petar Kočović has been following the development of the corona virus in Serbia for months through a mathematical model. He published the latest information today when the end of the epidemic in our country is expected. That is, the professor makes daily forecasts of …

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