Tag Archives: Opposition

Obradović: I will not end the hunger strike until the government and the opposition start a dialogue – Politics

[ad_1] The president of the “Doors” movement, Boško Obradović, declared today that he would not end the hunger strike]”until the government and the opposition sit at the negotiating table.” Type: BetaMay 10, 2020. 17.20Modified: 18.59 Photo: Miloš Miljković Obradovic told reporters in front of the Assembly that Serbian President Aleksandar …

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“WAR” WITH THE HUNGER STRIKE The parliamentarians and the authorities and the opposition in protest, all sitting in front of the SERBIAN ASSEMBLY (VIDEO)

[ad_1] Around noon, opposition MPs Miladin Sevarlic and then Dveri leader Bosko Obradovic announced that they would start a hunger strike, each for their own reasons. However, the list of strikers did not end there, because they were joined by two SNS MPs, Aleksandar Martinović and Sandra Božić. So this …

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Opposition to boycott H1 Serbia elections

[ad_1] The final list of opposition parties that will not participate in the June 21 elections is still unknown. The Freedom and Justice Party decided to boycott the Presidency session, and leader Dragan Djilas said that after 50 days imprisoned in “a life that is not life,” decisions should not …

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Opposition protest begins outside Serbian Parliament

[ad_1] Opposition representatives, who had called for a boycott of the pre-emergency state elections and boycotted the Serbian Parliament session on Tuesday, began the announced protest in front of the Serbian Parliament at around 6pm. Although the movement ban took effect at 6 pm, the leaders and members of the …

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