Tag Archives: noncompliance

Due to non-compliance with sanctions for both merchants and customers!

[ad_1] Photo: Mondo / Stefan Stojanović Members of the Communal Militia and the Sanitary Inspection are visiting the shopping centers, where, despite the epidemiological situation, large crowds are registered and they control the implementation of the prescribed measures, said the Communal Militia. According to the interim secretary for Communal Militia …

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Ministry to Parents: Do not film students to demonstrate noncompliance.

[ad_1] The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development today sent an appeal to parents not to photograph or film unauthorized children in schools, “because filming minors without parental consent is prohibited and carries criminal responsibility.” According to the Ministry, “incorrect information has appeared in the public that citizens send …

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TERMINATION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF CRISIS PERSONNEL Due to the growing non-compliance with epidemiological regulations, IMPORTANT DECISIONS were made

[ad_1] In the extraordinary session of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid-19, which took place this afternoon, there was only one point on the agenda: the failure to comply with the epidemiological measures of the previous weekend, “Blic” has learned. . Let us remind you, yesterday, epidemiologist Dr. …

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TERMINATION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF CRISIS PERSONNEL Due to the growing non-compliance with epidemiological regulations, IMPORTANT DECISIONS were made

[ad_1] In the extraordinary session of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid-19, which was held this afternoon, there was only one point on the agenda: the non-compliance with the epidemiological measures of the previous weekend, “Blic” has unofficially known. Let us remind you, yesterday, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon …

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