Tag Archives: KILL

He didn’t want to kill Mandic! If i wanted i could

[ad_1] Ivana Kontić’s defense lawyer, Zora Dobričanin Nikodinović, confirmed to Kurir that her client was questioned today before the Novi Sad High Prosecutor’s Office and that she presented a detailed defense and answered all questions raised. As we learn, Kontić presented his defense in detail, denying that he ever thought, …

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THEY CAME TO KILL THEM! WHAT WILL A GUN DO TO A MAN SEEKING TRUFFLES? The relatives of those killed are talking about what preceded the CRIME near Jarak.

[ad_1] Victims: Jelicic brothers, photo: Kurir, private archives Brothers Dejan (38) and Nebojsa Eric (35), suspected of being in the forest near Sremska Mitrovica on Sunday morning. shot at Predrag’s brothers (43) and Stanislav Jeličić (37) from Futog, were detained for up to 48 hours and are suspected of aggravated …

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Two clans offered me money to KILL A WOLF! READ IN THE MAIL

[ad_1] Photo: Profimedia, Marina Lopicic Yesterday, the hitman Čaba Der revealed to the Budapest police that he had received a financial offer from two different criminal organizations in our area to kill President Aleksandar Vučić, Kurir heard exclusively from the circles close to the Hungarian police. Chaba Der, 39, is …

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